Story 5: The Lucky Twin

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Summary: A series of lucky events make Dipper believe he's having a lucky day. Meanwhile Mabel tries to prove him wrong while dealing with her own set of unlucky events.

It was a beautiful morning in Gravity Falls Oregon. Dipper walked down the stairs and sat down next to Mabel at the table.

"Morning, sleepy head," said Mabel.

Dipper yawned, "Oh, good morning, Mabel," he said as he poured out some cereal.

At that moment, a small box fell out of it.

"Oh, hey what's that?" he said.

"Those are the lucky box prizes at the bottom of these cereal boxes," said Mabel, "Guess that's why they're called Lucky-O's. It says on the back they can have a stink bomb in them or an actual gold coin."

Hearing this, Dipper carefully began to open the box. Mabel held her nose just in case there was a stink bomb inside.

"Oh, my goodness, Mabel. It's a gold coin!" he yelled as he held the coin up to show Mabel.

"Wow," she said, "What are the odds of that?"

"I heard someone say the word gold and came to see if there was any," said Stan as he walked into the kitchen.

Mabel was about to explain to him what had happened when Stan cut her off.

"Anyways, Mabel, I checked my old calendar and it seems you're overdue to do the graveyard shift in the gift shop with me. Those late-night tourists often come for the more expensive stuff. I need you here at nine PM stat!"

"Aww, but Grunkle Stan. I promised Candy and Grenda I'd go watch a movie with them. Can't you get Dipper to do it?" she asked.

"Normally I would, but I feel rather generous today for some odd reason, so no. You're doing it," he said as he left the room.

"Woah. The gold coin, Stan being nice and not making me do the night shift...I think I'm having a lucky day today," said Dipper.

"What? No way. Those are pretty lucky coincidences at most," protested Mabel.

"Oh really?" said Dipper, "Or do you just not want to admit I'm lucky today?"

"Oh yeah?" said Mabel, "Well, I gotta go into town to see if this punch card I got for this juice place is valid. If so then I may have a hundred bucks in it. How about you come with me and we'll see if you really are lucky."

"Oh sure. I can't wait for you to say you're wrong," said Dipper.

And so, Dipper and Mabel began their walk into town.

As they were walking, a bus was driving past.

"Hey look out!" yelled Dipper.

Before Mabel could react, the bus passed by and splashed her with water from a puddle.

"Ah come on, I just kitted this sweater yesterday!" she yelled.

Mabel then looked over at Dipper who had just walked front of a mailbox as the bus passed by, leaving him perfectly dry.

"Oh wow, I seem to have not been soaked. That seems very lucky of me, huh?" he said mockingly.

"Ugh! Wait here while I go back and change!" yelled Mabel.

Dipper sat at the bus stop and waited for Mabel. She returned fifteen minutes later looking even more mad, and covered in leaves.

"Woah, what happened to you?" he said.

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