"That is not fair! I hate you both." Megan mumbled burying her face in the cushion.

"What did we do now?", I asked her in a no-nonsense tone.

"WHAT DID YOU DO? Well now you both have your potential future lovers and look at me. All alone and sad in this lonely world. I am surely gonna die alone, with my oreos and nothing else. Why is life so damn unfair to me? Soon you both will have kids and I'll become their godmother plus nanny. I'll look after them while you both go out with your lovers to make more babies. Although I am really happy for you both, how will I survive all alone in this world?", Megan wailed.

And I just stared at her in disbelief with my mouth hanging wide open. I mean how could she- Like what the fuck! How can someone be so overdramatic. I looked at Kim, only to find her with the same expression as mine.

"She really needs help". Kim whispered in my ears as Meg continued wailing dramatically. I nodded affirming her thought. "We should really send her to a mental asylum", I whispered back. Kim nodded this time as sighed looking at Meg.

Talk about the perks of having an overdramatic best friend.

The next day I couldn't even keep track of the passing time. The hospital was busier as usual. Being a doctor is exhausting but satisfying at the same time. Everyday I meet so many people and every time I help them heal, I feel like I've accomplished my biggest goal. It is true we all suffer from the inevitable losses, sometimes they feel like the ultimate end. But overcoming these loses and learning from the mistakes is the biggest lesson for a doctor.

As I made my way towards the Coronary care unit I stopped dead on my tracks as I saw the most unusual scene unfolding in front of me. There stood Noah chatting with Megan. As soon as I approached them Meg pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

As I pushed her away Noah pulled me into yet another hug. And this time I was literally suffocating in his embrace.

"I-I c-can't bre-breathe-"

"I am sorry Natasha I didn't realize I was hugging ya that tightly", Noah mumbled sheepishly.

"It's alright man. But what are you doing here?", I asked Noah.

"I was just passing by and thought maybe I could visit you guys." Noah replied.

"Visit us or someone named Kimberly particularly", Meg smirked at Noah.

Just then Kim appeared looking like a zombie. And without even noticing us all she started mumbling about how cruel life is and how tired she is. As soon as she saw Noah standing there grinning at her. She did a double-take and would've fallen had Noah not steadied her as she stumbled. 

"Come on ladies! I'll treat you to lunch", Noah said as he pulled Kim with him.

"Free food!" Meg exclaimed happily. Sometimes I wonder how she is 28.


"WHAT THE HECK MAN!" I exclaimed as someone bumped into me spilling tea all over me. "CAN'T YOU EVEN SEE WHERE YOU ARE GOING? WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU APOLOGIZING?" I was livid. "UGHH SERIOUSLY LIKE- Jason what are you doing here?" I semi shouted as soon as I finally looked at the face of the unfortunate person who bumped into me,

"Fancy seeing you here Natasha. Oh! I forgot. I apologize for bumping into you. It was never my intention", Jason apologized.

And I just stood there gaping at him. I honestly have the worst luck in this whole world.

"Hey Jason!" Kim greeted him. "What are you doing here?"

"I got a job at the Harrington and Deby law firm. I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot now", Jason grinned at me.

"Well congratulations", Kim smiled at him. "Wanna join us for lunch?" She continued only to get pinched by me. She yelped and Noah looked at us questioningly. I smiled innocently at him while Kim simply glared at me.

"Sure I am free anyways. I'll join ya'll only if you are comfortable", Jason replied.

"Of course we are comfortable", This time it was Meg who spoke. "What nonsense are you saying Jason? Cmmon now let's get in. I am starving."

We went inside the new restaurant in front of our hospital. Before I could pull Megan to sit with me Jason beat me to it and sat with me. I cried internally. Kim and Noah sat together at one side and poor Megan sat alone on the other side. As we chatted away I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I turned around to find no one behind me. 

But I couldn't help feeling the same thing I always feel whenever Sebastian is near me. Longing and fear.

"You alright Nat?" Jason asked me as he patted my shoulder softly. I smiled at him in assurance. Praying in my mind that Sebastian was not here. He can't be here. He couldn't be here. Because if he is here then I shall be doomed forever.

I tried to relax and shrug away the uneasy feeling as I smiled at Kim and Noah being all cute together.

"Do you mind if I joined you all?" His baritone voice stopped the functioning of my brain.

"Who are you?" It was Jason who spoke. And I couldn't even look up at him.

"Sebastian! What's up mate? Come sit with us! Is that even a question!" Noah exclaimed as he got up to give Sebastian a bro hug.

"Sorry guys I haven't properly introduced myself. I am Sebastian Cole Davis. Noah's sponsor and Natasha's boyfriend."

The water I was drinking spluttered out of my mouth.


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