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Natasha's POV


Many books and movies have described such moments in intricate detail. They say that doves start cooing, the clouds part to reveal a full moon, brilliant in the night sky and the wind starts blowing, making your hair flutter, similar to the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

As it predictably turns out, reality is poles apart.

Adrenaline surged through my body as shock-waves traveled down my spine. Every atom of my body, all my instincts, screamed danger. Yet I couldn't move. I was rooted to the spot by those ocean blue eyes I couldn't tear my gaze away from. They seemed to be staring right through the boundaries and walls I had built up around myself over the years, and looking straight into the depths of my soul. My lips trembled, and I was sure by the way he looked at me with an emotionless smile that I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

Unconsciously, I bit on my lower lip. The effect was instantaneous. The smile disappeared, and the way his eyes darkened, if looks could kill, I knew I'd be dead on the floor by now.

"Oh, no, baby", he whispered, so low that only I could hear him, his deep voice rumbling my depths. "Don't make me ruin you."


"Earth to Natasha!"

I jolted out of my reverie and spun around to see Aiden giving me a weird look.

"Do you have any idea how many times I've called your name? You've hardly finished your first drink, don't tell me you're out of it already?"

I forced my unwilling lips to smile in his direction.

"Well,' I said, my voice shaking, my attempts to keep it steady desperately failing, 'maybe my alcohol tolerance is lower than you know."

"Don't say that," he groaned. "We've hardly gotten started, you and I."

Sebastian gave a soft laugh behind me. His breath grazed my neck, making me shiver. I hoped against all hope that he didn't notice, but I knew it was a futile wish.

"Won't you take the liberty of introducing me to your girlfriend?",he addressed Aiden.

"Um, yeah. Natasha, this is Sebastian. We practically owe the success of the band to him. Sebastian, meet Natasha. She kindly agreed to turn up today so that we didn't have to face the embarrassment of playing to an empty restaurant", Aiden joked lightly.

Wow. The jerk didn't even care to highlight the fact that we're not dating.

"Hi!" I turned around, relieved to realize that my voice sounded normal. "I'm an acquaintance of Aiden's",I took care to stress the word.

"It's a real pleasure to meet you, Thalia",he smirked.

I face palmed myself internally. Why did I have to give him that stupid name that night?

"Thalia?" asked Aiden, confused. "Dude, I just said her name is Natasha."

"Well, Thalia just has a nice ring to it", he looked down at me, the smirk never leaving his face.

Aiden shot him the same weird look he'd given me a few moments ago.

"Don't tell me you're wasted too. And you haven't even had anything yet. Aren't you thirsty?"

"Oh, you have no idea", he murmured, his gaze travelling down my face to my lips, before flicking right back up to my eyes. My face heated up, and I was glad it was dark.

"Right. Drinks are on the band, so let me go get you something", Aiden replied.

"Why don't you guys catch up, I'll go get it," I interjected, desperate to get away, to escape this inferno I'd created myself.

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