Chapter 26 - Rumour has it Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey Shawny! What's up with you? Do u have some problem? Camila walks with Shawn on the hallway.

"Can I be honest with you Camila?" Shawn confronted her

"Of course, go ahead!

"You know, I have been like talked of the town here in campus that I am gay."

Camila laughed

"It's not funny!" Shawn said to her with angry eyes.

"Oh sorry... But isn't true?" Camila whispered to him.

"What the hell?! Camila! You know I courted you several times but you busted me several times as well. Now you thinks I am gay?" Shawn pulled her in an empty classroom and shouted at her.

"Can you also be honest with me Shawn? Are you gay?"

"I... I... "

"See?! You can't even tell me straight? Are you?"

"I.... I... I don't know... Well yeah.. I guess... I'm not gay.. maybe bisexual? But I am liking boys much more than girls... you are the only girl I tried to you know..."

"I knew it, right from the start"

"What do u mean? Am I that obvious?"

"I just smelled you, that we're the same. You know Shawn, I am not out yet in public and like you... I am hurting whenever I heard someone calling me names." Camila revealed her thoughts as well.

"Shawn, I totally understand how you feel. There's a feeling that I didn't deserve Lauren, because she is so perfect and I need to be proud of her being my girlfriend. I know how she wants to be intimate while we are outside but we can't do that because she knows I am not yet ready" Camila continues.

"I even remember one time..."

Camila reminisce one moment with Lauren when someone called her things...

Camila and Lauren were laughing at the bench. It feels like they were only the two of them on that area. Then some one walks in front of them and called Camila a dyke.

"You dyke get out of here!"

"What did you say?!" Lauren stood up

"I'm not talking to you Lauren"

Lauren looked back at Camila she saw Camila sad and almost teary eyed.

"Hey! You get out of here before I kick your homophobic ass" Lauren shouted at the girl that called Camila a dyke.

"Hey Camz, it's ok. She's gone. And I'll make sure she won't do it again"

"Lauren, it hurts. I don't know maybe because it's true... So how many people will call me names if they knows we're a thing now?" Camila questioned her.

"We don't have to tell anyone as long as your not ready. I'm ok. So let's just go?" Lauren said.

Even the guys in Camila's classroom thinks she's lesbian.

One guy said when Camila went to the classroom.

"Hey look whose here?! The great Camila Cabello who got the heart of the famous Lauren Jauregui. How did you do that?!"

"Were just best friends!"

"Oooohhhhh so will you let me date her?"

"Date your pervert ass! I won't let her date perverts like you guys shut the fuck up!"

"Ooohh the girlfriend is angry!!"


"Ok so will you let me date you instead?"

"Fuck off!"

The boys laugh so hard.

"You know Shawn. I need to come out to my parents first before I go out in public. But it seems the school knows. I need to regain their thoughts about me. I need them not to spread rumours that I am gay. But me seeing with Lauren thinks that I am." Camila said with confidence

"Me too. I need to tell this too to my parents but if this rumours came to them first without me telling them... They might get mad at me or be disappointed or what..." Shawn share the same thoughts.

"I got an idea... Since we both need each other now to show people for now that were not gay. Can we do fake dating? I mean let's be sweet and act were a thing in public so they won't think the way they think? We both know each other so there will be no malice at all" Shawn suggested.

"What?! Oh no Shawn I can't..I am with Lauren, remember?" Camila said.

"Tell it to her! I can tell her if you want?" Shawn insists.

"I can't. She's going on a camp and I won't be able to talk to her for a month. They will get their cellphone and can only call their family" Camila explained.

"And worst is they will go to the camp weeks earlier before summer starts. So she is definitely packing right now. But I will try to talk to her" Camila said goodbye to Shawn and walk fast.

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