Chapter 8 - Nice to meet you

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Camila is so stunned, looking at the ocean green eyed girl. She really looks stunning and very beautiful. She easily forget Austin and the incident that happened or she was just distracted by Lauren and doesn't have time to think about Austin.

Camila saw them played and became so addicted to the plays they are doing. Camila idolizes Lauren and became her fan.

Camila saw a familiar face in the ocean green eyed girl's volleyball team. It was, Ally. Her classmate in Economics. Camila approaches Ally and asked about the schedule of their games. Luckily, most of the games are her vacant schedule. So she will be able to watch all of their games. Camila never miss a game. She is cheering the team and always mesmerized by the way Lauren moves. She doesn't know why she feels that way. All she knows is that her day is complete everytime she is seeing Lauren. Being a fan girl that she is, Camila is always in front or second row of the bleacher so she can see them closely.

Lauren notices that Camila is always there in all of their games. Lauren is not complaining because everytime Camila is watching. She is being hyped up and always ready to kill... this is the reason why they are winning. The will to win is always there on all of them...

It's half time and Lauren would like to rest and sit... Dinah and Vero, secretly and intentionally removed the chairs and told everyone to occupy the vacant seat and let Lauren rest on the bleachers for about 5mins.

Because she's so tired... She doesn't have a choice but to sit in the bleachers. She sat there and drink water. Camila is located right behind Lauren.

Camila, being a fan girl jumped and seated beside Lauren. "Hi! Do you remember me?!" Camila giggly asked Lauren.
Lauren jumped out of her seat and hold her chest using her right hand. "Oh gosh! You scared the shit out of me!... Oh yes, ah I'm sorry... Yeah I know you. You're the girl that was hit right on the face by Dinah" Lauren smiling and sitting down beside Camila.

"Yeah, oh what a great intro of me. Anyway, I am Camila. What's your name?" She asked Lauren while extending her hand.

"I'm Lauren, nice to meet you Camila" Lauren take Camila's hand for a hand shake.

Camila's POV

Gosh!! It's just a handshake. Why am I feeling like this? I feel butterflies in my stomach and they are acting so wild... I never feel anything like this before. Is this the feeling on meeting the one you idolize?! Or fantasize?.. no Camila don't act weird you might scare her.

Camila looked at Lauren's eyes. She felt lost and she smiles at her genuinely. Though she already knows the schedule of their games, she still asked Lauren for a conversation. "So when's your next game?.." she asked.

"Well if we win this, the next game will be tomorrow at 1pm. Then after that is the finals. If we were lucky on the semis then we can be at the finals on Friday same time 1pm" Lauren responded.

"Thanks, I will be there to support you guys! Fight! I know you guys will win" Camila winks at her.

Lauren blushes to the act given by Camila and she went to her team.

When Lauren and Camila is having a conversation, Dinah and Vero is hiding and peeking at Lauren and Camila's conversation. They feel like they won because their plan works.

Dinah and Vero are smiling giggly at Lauren when she comes back to the team. Lauren knew right from their faces that it was Dinah and Vero's idea.

"Guys!!! please stop!!! Let the universe work it's magic. OK?" Lauren smiling at them.

Second half of the game and they are leading. Lauren's smile makes Camila heart melt.

Why am I feeling like this? I don't feel anything like this with Austin. I don't care. I am so happy and she makes my day complete. I hope I can make her happy too.

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