Part Twelve

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Garrett catches up to Andrew as he steps outside. The sun has completely set behind the LA skyline and the cool nightly breeze brushes against their skin, but it was luckily still warm enough that they didn't need their jackets. The two of them stand there for a moment in awkward silence until Garrett decides that he needs to be the one to start the conversation.

"I'm sorry. They take jokes too far sometimes."

There's a long pause before Andrew responds. "So, it was just a joke?"


"You don't wanna...oh..never mind."

"Tell me." Garrett encourages him "We should be honest with each other."

"That's what I want as well." Andrew finally turns to look at his friend. "For us to be honest with each other, so please tell me the truth when I ask you this...Are you in love with me?"

Garrett knew Andrew was going to ask him sometime, but he didn't think it would happen this soon. "You have a girlfriend."

"That's not an answer."

"We should go back inside."

"Answer the question."

Garrett can't stop the tears from suddenly falling and they feel hot as they roll down his cheeks. "Yes." It was barely a whisper, but Andrew heard it.

That one small word suddenly changes everything in Andrew's mind. All of the nights they spent together, the inside jokes, the sharing of beds, the comments their friends have's all too much for Andrew to think about. His heart is pounding so hard in his chest that he can hear the blood pumping through his body as he starts to get extremely sweaty.

"Andrew, are you okay?" Garrett's attention focusing on Andrew's well being rather than dwelling on what he just revealed minutes ago.

Andrew loses balance as his legs and arms begin to tremble, so Garrett reaches out and catches him just in time. Garrett slowly lowers him down, so the two of them are now sat on the pavement with Garrett's arms wrapped around his friend. Andrew's heart begins to beat harder and faster.

"Take a deep breath, everything's gonna be okay, I'm right here." Garrett speaks softly as he runs his fingers though Andrew's hair and rocks him back and forth. Andrew tries to say something, but his breaths are sharp and shallow. He's so embarrassed. He's had panic attacks before, but never in public.

Meanwhile inside the restaurant, their friends begin to wonder why they're taking so long.

"Do you think they left? Like just went home?" Ryland asks. Their table now littered with empty glasses and plates.

"Andrew wouldn't leave without Gabbie." Trisha declares, but Shane raises his eyebrows to that statement with a muttered "well.." under his breath.

"I think we're gonna break up soon anyway." Gabbie announces before taking the last sip of her wine.

Trisha questions her, desperate to hear about any drama. "Is it because of Garrett?"

"Yeah I guess that's part of it because Andrew only ever wants to be with him; I mean look where he is right now. He talks about Garrett 24/7 and he even wants to buy him gifts all the time, like these small little things he sees in shops...but do you know the last time Andrew bought me a gift? Six months ago and it cost $4."

Shane takes out his phone, but hides it below the table so he can discreetly send a message to Garrett.

Shane: where are you? are you still with andrew? you need to come back like right now! also i think gabbie hates you.

Garrett feels his phone vibrate in his pocket so he takes it out carefully, trying not to disturb Andrew who's laying on his chest.

"Oh shit." Garrett mutters a little to close to Andrew's ear.

"What's wrong?"

Garrett apologizes immediately. "I'm sorry. It's just, I think we've gotta go back inside."

"Oh yeah I guess."

Garrett runs his fingers through Andrew's hair one last time. "You feeling okay now, buddy?"

Andrew hesitates before replying. "Okay as I can be."

Garrett helps Andrew up and they both try to wipe away the dust and dirt from their clothes.

"So...about what I said-"

Andrew cuts him off. "Don't worry about it."

"I'm sorry that it made you freak out-"

"I said don't worry about it." Andrew says one last time. "And thank you."

He heads into the restaurant with newfound confidence with Garrett following him a few steps behind.

"Oh there they are!" Ryland shouts from the table the pair had left earlier.

"Gabbie, we need to leave." Andrew commands. "We need to talk."

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