Part One

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Garrett is sat in his car, with the windows rolled down and the music blasting from the tiny speakers. He is feeling the loss of a potential relationship, but also the gain of a new friendship today. It's a strange situation to be in and it has been from the start. Shane is an attractive man, but he was never attracted TO him...I guess that's why they never did anything more than making out on Garrett's couch.

He's envious of his friends who can find partners so effortlessly and then also seem to be full of happiness when they're together. On the topic of his friends, one of Garrett's best friends in the whole universe who's name is Andrew Siwicki, is currently dating YouTube star Gabbie Hanna. They met through Andrew's current roommates Carly and Erin, then Andrew volunteered to edit some of Gabbie's videos and then one thing lead to another.

Garrett actually rather likes Gabbie because they have many things in common and have the same career, which helps when coming up with conversation starters. Due to him spending a lot of time with Andrew, he now spends a lot of time with her as well. Although, Andrew has expressed his lack of interest in the woman to Garrett, but Andrew is still expecting it to all work out in the end. He is hoping he can force the love to appear between him and Gabbie.

If someone... anyone really, were to ask Andrew what his dream girl would look like, he would definitely describe Gabbie, she has dark hair, a great body, a nice smile...but their personalities aren't very compatible, which is where the problems come from.

Garrett pulls up outside his apartment building, which isn't the most beautiful of places, but it's home and he parks his car around the back in the same space he always does, then exits the vehicle.

"Hey man!"

Garrett recognises the voice immediately and he turns around with a smile. "Hey, Andrew!" But then his smile drops slightly as he sees who's with him. "Oh hey, Gabbie."

"Hi, Garrett. How are you?" She asks and then gives him a quick, but slightly uncomfortable hug.

"Uh, I'm good, I guess. Are you here for Matt's birthday party?" Garrett questions as it's rare to see the two of them on this side of Los Angeles these days.

"Yeah, of course." Andrew replies as all three of them begin to walk together.

Gabbie takes Andrew's hand as they stroll along and Garrett tries to ignore the weird feeling he is getting in his stomach from the sight of it. As they enter the building, Garrett presses the button to call the elevator down because there are far too many stairs for them to climb.
The ride up is silent as Andrew has one of his arms draped over Gabbie's shoulders, while Garrett has to be an awkward third wheel.

"I'm not really in the mood to drink today." Andrew announces as they step out of the elevator.

"Why not?" His girlfriend asks with a confused expression on her face. "Do you not feel well?"

"Yeah, I guess I feel a little sick."

The thing is, Andrew has always been a brilliant liar. Ever since he was a young boy, no one ever suspected that the innocent and nervous Andrew Siwicki would be capable of getting away with a lie, but he could and still can. It's not as if he lies all the time about everything, but...he has a lot of secrets.

"I've got some medicine at my apartment. If you want, I can go and get some for you." Garrett offers, but of course Andrew declines, since he isn't actually sick.

Then the door they eventually made there way to swings open before they even get a chance to knock. "Hey guys! So glad you could make it."

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