Part Eight

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I will occasionally change the point of view, so here is the first chapter in Andrew's perspective. I'm sorry if it isn't that good because I am not great at writing in first person, but I want to try.

Andrew's POV

"Who the fuck was that?"

I drop my phone in a panic and immediately bend down to grab it. Although Gabbie quickly kicks it away, so I lose my balance and end up on the floor. 

"Who were you speaking to?" She orders me to answer, standing threateningly over me as I look up at her.

"It was Garrett."

"Alright." Gabbie says while looking as if she suspects something. "Now get up because you're embarrassing me."

I quickly rise to my feet and shove my phone in my coat pocket. "So, what are we doing now?" I ask as we begin to walk out of the venue.

"I was thinking we could maybe take a look around the city before heading back to the hotel."

"I don't know. I've got a pretty bad headache." I tell her, hoping she'll believe my poor excuse.

"Okay...I'll walk you to the room and then I'll go out with my friends instead." She informs me and I'm grateful that she's at least giving me some time alone.

"So, why were you on the phone to Garrett?"

"It's none of your business." I immediately apologize. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to him."

"You could've been talking to me because I'm your girlfriend, Andrew and I'm the one who was kind enough to bring you to New York."

"Well, it hasn't been much fun standing alone."

"That was your choice, Andrew!" She turns to shout at me. "All day you could've joined me, but you decided to talk to Garrett instead. Why are you so obsessed with him?"

"Obsessed? I am not obsessed."

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now, Andrew, but maybe you should focus more on your girlfriend because I'm the one who loves you."

She starts to march away, but I easily catch up to her. "You are not the only one who loves me."

"And that's the problem!" I can see tears forming in her eyes and I wish I knew how to help, but I don't understand why all of this is becoming such an issue. "Walk to the room by yourself and I'll see you later."

As I watch her disappear across the street I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I check to see what the notification could be.

Garrett: I can't wait to see you tomorrow :)

I smile to myself as I look down at the screen and begin to type a response.

Andrew: You are so sweet :) I obsessed with him? No, that's ridiculous. I enjoy having him in my life and I won't let Gabbie get in the way of that. Hopefully I can speak with her about it and we can discuss it like adults, instead of screaming at each other every two seconds.

I still don't understand why my friendship with Garrett bothers her so much? I spend way more time with her than I do with him anyway.

However, as I stand outside a virtually empty YouTube convention, on my own after having yet another argument with my girlfriend...I wish I was with Garrett instead. He would know what to say, how to help and then he would tell me a joke that would make me laugh. Everything is so much easier with him.

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