Part Four

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"Yeah, he's in here." Garrett tells her as she makes her way inside the apartment. Andrew knew she would come looking for him eventually, but he wasn't expecting her to come this soon.

"I should have known you were in his apartment." Gabbie says as she approaches her boyfriend. "What were you doing in here?"

Garrett shuts the front door and walks over to join the pair on the couch. "We were about to have some pizza rolls." Garrett informs her, but she doesn't respond to him, instead she just focuses on Andrew.

"I have told you to stop eating those because they are so bad for you." Gabbie says harshly.

"Yeah I know, but Garrett wanted to make them for me." Andrew replies looking sheepish while nervously playing with the sleeves of his favorite hoodie.

Gabbie stands up and grabs her boyfriend's hand, pulling him off the sofa. "You don't have to say yes to everything, Andrew. Would you take drugs if someone offered you some?" 

Andrew shakes his head. "No, but I think that's a little different."

"It doesn't matter now because we have to go anyway." Gabbie tells him as she drags him away from his friend.

Garrett sits there silently, not wanting to say anything because he doesn't want to get himself involved in their relationship drama, but he can't help but feel sorry for Andrew. Gabbie can be quite dominant and controlling at times and Garrett has to witness that on a daily basis.

"You can take some pizza rolls with you if you want?" Garrett asks politely.

Andrew looks at Garrett, glances at his girlfriend, then looks down at the floor while shuffling his feet. "Sorry, but I don't like pizza rolls anymore."

Garrett gets up, walks over to the oven and turns it off. "That's fine, but you should have told me that so I didn't have to waste my time and energy."

"Oh you are so dramatic, Garrett." Gabbie sighs and leads Andrew to the front door. "We will see you again soon."

Just before they head out the door, Garrett stops his friend. "You were just gonna leave without saying goodbye or giving me a hug? The last thing you were gonna say to me was 'sorry, but I don't like pizza rolls anymore'..."

Garrett hates that this is the person Andrew has become. The old Andrew would hug him tightly, whisper 'goodbye, love you' whenever they had to leave each other, but now he acts like Garrett doesn't exist. Andrew goes to wrap his arms around Garrett, but he gets rejected. "I don't want you to do it now because it feels forced...just remember for next time."

Garrett walks back to the kitchen area and sits down on one of the stools. Andrew looks back at him one more time before him and Gabbie leave the apartment.

"He can be weird sometimes." Gabbie admits as the two of them walk hand in hand down the hallway. "I don't know why you like him so much." 

Andrew can accept a lot of things about Gabbie, but he will not let her or anyone talk badly about his best friend. He stops in his path abruptly causing their hands to separate, so she looks at him with a confused look on her face. "What's wrong?" She asks as if she totally forgot that she just insulted Garrett... or maybe she just doesn't care.

"I love him. He's my best friend and that's why I enjoy spending time with him. Yeah, he can be a bit weird, but that's why I like him so much. He's fun to be around and he makes me happy." Andrew tells her and then she lets out a laugh.

"Oh my god, it sounds like you're in love with him." Gabbie teases him as she takes his hand again. "Come on, let's go home."

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