Part Two

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"It would be a bit strange if I didn't come to your party since I live right next door to you." Garrett jokes as Matt grabs his hand and drags him into the apartment..

"Sorry about that, Garrett, but I though I would rescue you from those two." Matt tells him and pats Garrett on the back. "They are not much fun to be with."

It's a shame that Garrett would actually have to agree with that statement because ever since Andrew started dating Gabbie they haven't left each other's side, so no one ever gets to spend time with Andrew anymore. Andrew used to be a confident man, around people he knew anyway, and he would always be extremely fun to be with, but now he acts like a completely different person and it hurts Garrett a lot because he misses his friend. Garrett looks back over his shoulder to see if he could notice the couple somewhere in the room, but they are nowhere to be seen.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Garrett says to Matt, but he is in his own little drunken world to even notice Garrett's disappearance. Garrett makes his way over to the drinks table and pours himself a glass of whiskey, leans against the nearest wall and sips away at his drink.

Meanwhile, Andrew just wishes he had stayed at home. Gabbie is currently talking to him about some new song she is writing at the moment that is about her ex boyfriend, who was apparently a compulsive liar and a cheat. Not a conversation her current boyfriend is particularly enjoying.

"But you aren't like that...are you Andrew?" 

Andrew knows that's a rhetorical question, yet he still feels the need to answer. "No, of course not." Gabbie giggles and runs a hand through his hair. "You are so cute." 

"I'll be back in a sec." He informs her just before he begins to walk away. Gabbie seems confused by his sudden need to leave. "Oh, I'll come with you."

"NO." Andrew raises his voice. "I mean, I'm just going to the bathroom, babe." He turns around and almost trips over his own feet due to running so fast. Once he makes it into the bathroom, he locks the door and sits down on the cold, hard floor.

Gabbie starts going around the apartment like a social butterfly, trying to see if she can find any opportunity to chat to someone. Then she spots her perfect target, someone who is way too polite and wouldn't even dare to tell her to go away.

"Hey, Garrett."

Garrett is still holding the glass of whiskey, even though it's empty because he's using it as something to make him feel less awkward, as if holding a glass gives him a purpose rather than just standing there doing nothing, empty handed. "Hey, Gabbie. Where's Andrew?" She starts to pour herself a shot of vodka. "Oh he's just in the bathroom, but hopefully he isn't throwing up in there, especially since he said he felt sick earlier." Garrett refills his glass and then downs the liquid in one gulp, but then has to let out a small cough at the end of it due to it being a little too strong. "I'll go check on him."

"No, you stay here. I'll go because I'm his girlfriend, so I'm the one he needs." She tells him and then places her now empty shot glass on the table and wanders off to go and see her boyfriend. Garrett sighs as he watches her walk away, but he should have known Gabbie would be the one to go, but sometimes he forgets that he is only Andrew's friend and nothing more than that.

Gabbie attempts to turn the handle once she reaches the bathroom, but it won't move. "Andrew, open the door."

No response.

"Andrew, open the door, NOW!"

He does as she says and she barges past him, then shuts the door behind her. The bathroom is pretty small, so there is now very limited space. Andrew backs up against the sink, but Gabbie steps closer. "Are you still sick?" She asks while placing the back of her hand against his forehead to check his temperature. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He replies and hits her hand away. "I'm just trying to help." She says as she puts even less space between them now. "Do you wanna go home?" Home is a place Andrew would love to be right now, but if he says yes to that question then that means Gabbie will end up going home with him, so there's no point.

"No, I wanna stay for the party." A lie.

"Well it's not much of a party if you stay in the bathroom all night. Come on, let's go." Gabbie orders him to leave with her, but before she gets a chance to open the door, he spins her back around and kisses her. He isn't entirely sure why he just did that, maybe he is coming down with something after all, maybe a severe fever? but he did kiss her, for whatever reason. Sure it's normal for partners to kiss each other, but Andrew never really shows affection like this, not when it's him making the first move. Gabbie is of course shocked by her boyfriend's sudden confidence, but she doesn't complain.

"I need to use the toilet." Someone shouts from the other side of the door which causes the two of them to break apart.

"We should go home." Gabbie whispers into Andrew's ear and winks at him, then turns to unlock and open the door.

"Oh, so that's where the two of you disappeared to." Matt laughs as he stands in front of them. "I hope you didn't make too much of a mess in my bathroom."

"We always clean up after ourselves." Gabbie goes along with the joke, but Andrew is all flushed from embarrassment. So he makes a quick exit, but accidentally bumps into Garrett as he turns the first corner. "Sorry." He apologizes as he tries to calm himself down from all of the emotions that have been running through his body all day, which have been making him act in strange ways. Garrett smiles for the first time that evening. "No worries."

A moment of silence passes between them and then an idea pops into Andrew's head. "Can we go to your apartment? I need some of that medicine that you told me about."

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