Part Ten

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"Oh my god, Garrett. You need to tell me who it is? Spill the fucking tea." Shane orders his friend desperately wanting to know more about the situation.

"You know who it is and we are friend's with his girlfriend too, so that's why it's so complicated. I mean, I was friends with him first, but then I became friends with her too even before they started dating..."

As Garrett rambles on, Shane tries to rack his brain to find any piece of information that could help him guess who it is. It's not like him and Garrett have many friends anyway so it shouldn't be too difficult. Then all of a sudden, Shane gets hit with a memory from a few weeks ago and it all makes sense.

"Was it that guy who was at Trisha's birthday party? Gabbie's boyfriend?"

Garrett stops talking and visibly looks uncomfortable and Shane can tell straight away that he guessed correctly.


Garrett moves his body away from his friend so his arm doesn't get any more of a beating. "Ew, I am not gonna be a homewrecker, Shane."

"Ugh you're so boring." Shane sighs as he then moves back into a more relaxed position on the couch. Shane pretends to move on from this topic of discussion, but in his head he's planning something. He's only ever met Gabbie's boyfriend once and he's curious to meet him again, but this time under different circumstances, you know, when everyone isn't too drunk.

"Whatever it is you're thinking; stop it." Garrett says as he snaps his fingers in front of Shane's face.

"I just really wanna meet him, Garrett, especially since you told me that he edits videos in his spare time too. We should all go out for a meal and he can bring Gabbie along."

Garrett rolls his eyes at the suggestion. "Yeah because that's super fun for me."

"If this is the same friend you always spend time with and constantly text when I'm trying to have a conversation with you, then I think you might have a chance."

"A chance at what, Shane? I just told you that I'm not interested in your plan. I would much rather find a guy on Tinder."

Shane takes his iPhone out of his coat pocket. "Yeah, like that seems to be working." He says as he begins typing a short message. 

Before Garrett could ask what he was doing, Shane had pressed send.

"Shane, what did you just do?" Garrett questions and Shane looks smug as he puts his phone down on the couch next to him.

"I might have just text Gabbie asking if she was free tomorrow night, so we can all go out together." Shane blurts out and now it's Garrett's turn to repeatedly hit his friend on the arm.

"I actually hate you." Garrett groans as he leans forward and rests his head in his hands.

"Just invite loads of your other weird vine friends."

"Fine. And they're not weird, they're just very artistic." Garrett defends them as he begins to accept that he'll just have to go along with this whole thing.

In that very moment, Garrett receives a text from Andrew.

Andrew: Gabbie just told me there's a restaurant date planned for tomorrow night? Are you gonna be there? I don't wanna go if you're not there.

"Oh my god, did he just text you?" Shane shouts as he snatches the phone from Garrett's hand. "He wants to SMASH."

Garrett starts chasing Shane around the room to try and get his phone back, but Shane is surprisingly fast when he's determined.

"Here you go." Shane says as he puts the phone back in Garrett's hands.

Garrett gasps as he looks down at the screen. "Jesus, Shane."

The message reads;

Garrett: Yeah I'll be there. Maybe we can spend some time alone ;)

"Oh calm down, it's not that bad, Garrett. I could have just said you wanted to suck his dick."

They both look down at the phone after another text notification pops up.

Andrew: I would love to spend some time with you; just the two of us.

"That's it. That's fucking it. Oh my god. He wants to fuuuckk." Shane screams repeatedly as he jumps up and down, almost tripping over Uno in the process, who is currently asleep on the floor.

"What are you guys screaming about?" Ryland complains as he enters the room with a mug of coffee in his hands.

"Garrett's gonna get some dick."

"Oh, spill." Ryland says as he takes a sip of his drink.

"There's nothing to spill. This conversation is over." Garrett declares. "I'm going home."

Shane begins to realize that he might have taken the joke too far, but he didn't know how serious Garrett's feelings for Andrew were, he thought it was a silly crush, but it seems like it's more than that. "I'm sorry, Garrett. Please stay for a while. I promise not to be stupid again."

"No, I should get going. I've gotta... do some... stuff."

Ryland shoots his boyfriend a "we're gonna talk about this later" look as Garrett picks up some of his possessions that are scattered across the room.

"Are you gonna come to the meal tomorrow? It will be nice to have you there." Shane questions as he watches his friend move towards the front door.

"We're doing something tomorrow?" Ryland asks, confused by the whole conversation.

"I'll think about it." Garrett replies and then a second later he's gone and walking towards his car, trying to hold back his tears. It's pathetic really, Garrett thinks to himself; being in love with your best friend, who's straight and also has a girlfriend, but I guess you can't choose who you fall in love with.

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