Chapter 8

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How the hell did this all happen? I know for a fact that Kellin doesn't smoke. I lived with a stoner for 4 years, I know how they act and talk, Kellin doesn't act anything like one.

I run out of class with my teacher yelling her head off at me to get back in my seat, I don't listen. Right now, my priority was to get kellin out of this whole mess. "Wait!" I yell after the cops that are dragging him away from the school. Kellin turns back when he hears my voice, it's obvious he's been crying, his eyes are red and his cheeks are stained. Seeing him like this actually hurts me. "What the hell are you doing? Kellin doesn't do drugs."

The cop holding Kellin shakes her head. "Son, go back to class. We checked his locker, we found illegal substances so we're taking him down to the station to sort this whole mess out." She says about to turn around again to leave the building.

"Give him a drug test, he's clean. He hasn't had any time to do that kind of shit cause I'm always around him." I protest, trying to keep my cool. I really don't want Kellin to go to jail for something he didn't do, cause that's just plain bullshit. Besides, I'm pretty sure his mom knows about this since she's the principle and she's going to freak if she has to bail him out.

"We'll see what we can do. But for now, he's going down to the station." She says finally turning around.

I run past them and stand in front of Kellin. The other cop tries to get me to move but I don't move until I say what I have to say. "Kellin, don't worry everything will work out. I love you." I remind him and press my lips to his. The kiss is sweet, but short lived because the guy cop is fed up and pulls him away from me and continues to go through out the building.

"Kellin got arrested!" Jaime yells in shock as Tony drives the three of us to the police station. "How the hell did weed get in his locker in the first place? That kid is cleaner than a fresh coat of white paint." I look over to Tony who is focusing on the road. I had been pressuring him to hurry up so I could help out Kellin, and since Tony is pretty new to driving I don't think he's taking it well.

I look back at Mike who is on his phone probably texting some girl he's been trying to get with. Since he hasn't been getting high, hooking up is the only thing he does for fun now. "Mike, do you know anyone who could have planned the shit in Kellin's locker?" I ask in a serious tone of voice. He knows I'm not playing.

Mike looks up from his phone and shakes his head. "Nope. None of my guys ever mentioned anything about having a grudge on the guy." He pauses and thinks for a quick second before adding: "Come to think of it, I don't think anyone really knew Kellin until your little stunt a few months back."

"Do you think they started to plot something cause they hate gays?" Jaime interjects. Once again, Mike shakes his head.

"Nah, those guys don't give two shit about anything unless it's money or dope." I sit back in the passenger seat and sigh. I have no idea who could have done this.

Unless Kellin really has been doing the stuff. Which I refuse to believe.

"Okay, we're here. Are you happy now?" Tony says, bring the car to a sudden stop. As soon as I realize what he said, I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt--fumbling more than a teenage boy trying to get a bra off--and trip out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride." I say running up the stairs into the station.

Once inside, I notice there's a guy at the desk, looking at a computer and typing something. When he hears me come in, he looks up. "Can I help you?" He asks politely.

"Uh, yes. I'm here to see Kellin Quinn."

"One moment." The guy goes back to his computer and types something in and then makes a phone call. "He's in the holding cell. We're just finishing off a few more questions. He'll be out in thirty minutes." I thank him and go back out the building to tell the guys to wait for me.

At least the fact that he's coming out of this means he really was set up. Now I just need to find out who's responsible for it.

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