Chapter 13

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Tony, Mike, Jaime, Kellin and I walk through the halls and admire our handiwork. We put Kellin to work too, since we needed to get this done faster. Just as we go to leave the dark building through the back entrance Mike stops us. "Guys!" He yells randomly, making us all turn, surprised. "We have left over sticky notes, let's plant them in Josh's locker." My brother might be an idiot, but his ideas are amazing! How are we supposed to get back at Josh for being a pendejo if we don't put the blame on him?

I run up to Mike and hug him. "Bro, you're a fucking genius, ya know?" I say grabbing a bag from Jaime and grabbing Mike and running down the hall with him. Mike knows how to pick a lock like a pro, which is one of the main reasons why he's always with us when doing pranks like these. If we didn't get the keys to the school then we would have just had him pick a few locks. We get to the Little Douche's locker and Mike takes a bobby pin from his pocket and gets to work. I turn away for literally ten seconds and I hear the locker open. "Damn." I say under my breath as I walk  up to the small locker and stuff the remaining sticky notes into it. 

The two of us walk back to the exit where the guys are waiting for us. "He wants to frame Kellin, then we frame him." Jaime says with a grin. I laugh, walking up to Kellin and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"See, I got the best ideas." Mike states proudly. "Besides, I might as well look out for my brother in law." At his words, Kellin looks away but I can faintly see his cheeks burning red. I can't help but smile.

"Thanks bro. Now let's get the hell out of here." I take my phone out of my pocket and illuminate a small area, it's 12:34. It took us eleven hours to do this. And I can almost guarantee that my mom is going to scream her head off at me and Mike. Oh well, it was worth it.

As predicted, Mike and I were yelled at for a good hour this morning. Thankfully both our parents were asleep when we came home at one in the morning.

Mike walked into my room this morning to tell me how he was scared that we would get suspended and I wouldn't graduate. I reassured him that we disabled all the cameras before hand. Now that I think about it... those little sticky shits are going to be a bitch to get rid of. This is going to be hilarious.

"Come on, come on!" I urge Mike into the car. I don't even care about gas money now, he can ride for free after yesterday. Guess you could say I got some newly found respect for my baby brother. Not too much though... just... some. 

Mike gets in the car and instantly buckles up. "Alright, let's go." He says excitement laced in his voice. He should be excited this is going to be fun to watch.

Teenagers line the halls in amazement taking our hard work. Some are laughing their asses off while staff try to get every sticky note from it's place. All in all, I feel pretty accomplished. Mike walks up to a random student, "What happened here?" He asks playing dumb. He's actually pretty smart, I might take back all the shit I've said earlier. 

The guy turns to him and says, "You know the kid Josh? Well apparently he covered the entire school in sticky notes. Must've took the guy forever." He looks around, "It's really cool, but he's in a shit load of trouble right now he's in the principal's office." I smirk after hearing that. Does it make me a bad person to be happy right now? Nah, that douche had it coming to him.

The day continues with and soon the school's floors are covered in different colored pieces of paper. Some people decided to write stupid stuff on the notes too. At lunch Tony pulls me aside. "Bro, secret meeting place. Now." He whisper-yells, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me through the doors of the cafeteria that lead to the football field. Our secret meeting place is behind one of the bleachers that no one really cares about.

Once I'm dragged to the area, I give him an annoyed look. "What?" 

"Josh got off scot-free." My eyes go wide. 

"That's impossible, we made all the evidence point to him!" I yell.

"Shh!" Tony whispers loudly. He looks around, but no one seems to be looking our way. "I have a feeling this has something to do with Mr. Sykes. We know those two are connected, which means that bastard must have done something to get Josh off without getting any punishment." Hell, if anyone had found out I had done a prank, I'd be suspended without a second thought. Luckily I'm on Kellin's mom's good side, these days.

"Damn..." I mutter. "How much dick is this guy sucking?" Tony chuckles before getting serious again.

"If we're going after anyone, it's gotta be Mr. Sykes. Got it?" I nod. "Good. Tonight you're planning a new prank, something to get this douche fired. We need to go to extremes on this one. Not even I like Josh. I had him in one of my classes before he switched his schedule to have a class with you, he's a real prick." 

Extremes.... I think for a moment, I have an idea in mind. This is a horrible idea... but I have to go with it. "Give me by the end of the week to execute this. I'm gonna do this alone."

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update. I was busy with finals and then I got lazy XD 
Also, a reminder about valentines day, all you beautiful people deserve a very safe and happy relationship, you should feel loved EVERYDAY not just February 14th. Stay safe!

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