Chapter 3

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"He did that." Jaime asks shocked. He had met Josh in his homeroom, and he thought he was straighter than the side of a square, which I found out was a complete and utter lie. "The guy looks like a total chick magnet!" 

I laugh, and push Tony who is sitting next to me on the couch. We were hanging out at my place due to the fact that I have the most food in my fridge. Tony was laughing too, he seemed to know that Josh was gay as soon as he saw him at lunch. "Wow Hime-time, you're so bad at this. Granted, I am too, but that's not the point." I say in between laughs, causing Jaime to glare at me.

Out of the blue, Mike emerges from his little hobbit hole (which is considered his room since he practically lives in that one room) and walks into the living room. "You guys are so fucking loud. I'm trying to sleep." He almost yells. The three of us collectively groan.

"Damn, Mike. Ever since you stopped smoking, you've been so uptight." Tony snaps, "Know what, I got a guy who'll get you some weed. We're getting the old Mike back."

Mike sucks his teeth. "Mom will kill me. Then she'd kill Vic for not stopping me." Ugh... It's great when your brother takes responsibility and stops messing with drugs, but it sucks when he acts like a dick about it. I'm almost certain that this kind of stuff was controlling his life, I should've stopped him as soon as Ronnie gave him that blunt in his ninth grade year. 

I shake my head, "Mike, can you take the stick out of your ass and let loose. Please." I whine the last part and he rolls his eyes and storms back into his room.  The guys and I all exchange glasses and turn on Netflix, shrugging the last few minutes off. 

We decide to watch Rocky, and half way through it, I get a text from Kellin.

Hey, Vic. -Kellin
Hey babe. What's up? -Me
Nothing really, u_u just a little upset about today. -Kellin
Wait, what happened? -Me
You know that guy from music, who was talking to you in the library? -Kellin
Yeah, why? -Me
He was bothering me about being gay. What I wanna know is who the hell is telling everyone who comes to the damn school!! -Kellin

What Kellin is saying is what I wanna know too. Why does everyone have to tell about Kellin and my business? Kids these days, I swear. 

Well, he shouldn't be talking. He's into guy, himself. As a matter of fact, he came out to me and I think he was hitting on me... -Me
That douche! Anyway, I have to go to the store for my mom, so I'll talk to you later tonight? -Kellin
Count on it, mi amor. I'll hit you up later. -Me

If you're wondering, every night me and Kellin video chat and talk to each other till we either fall asleep or our phones die. Of course, we only do this when we're not staying over at each other's houses. Video chats aren't as nice and loving as being snuggled against each other. Damn... I really do love him. Which is why I'm going to have a word with Josh tomorrow morning.

Just as I said I would do, the next day in music I went straight up to Josh. "Hey, Vic." He says smiling, however he drops it once he sees the stern look on my face. When it comes to Kellin, I don't mess around. "Is something wrong?" He asks looking more concerned than anything. 

"You're damn right something's wrong. What the hell is up with you and Kellin?" I say trying to stay calm. I don't normally hold back when I hear someone is bothering Kells. I just don't want to break a kid's nose if he's only been in school for two days. I have morals, alright.

He looks around to see the group of guys staring at us and whispering among themselves. "Cause he's a fag, why would I be nice to someone like him?" He blurts out loudly, making even Austin stop helping someone to look--well, more like glare--at him. I give him a look that basically say, 'are you fucking kidding me?' I have a feeling that Josh is gonna end up fucking me in the ass... not literally, of course.

"Well, dip shit." I begin, losing my temper, "If you didn't know, I'm gay, too! You're such a hypocrite." I yell. No one  knows why I called him a hypocrite, but I do. I mean, you don't just say you're gay and the next day giving hate to someone with the same sexual preference. I think he hates Kellin for some reason.

"Okay, you two that's enough." Austin says pushing me away from Josh. Apparently I was stepping closer to him, which I hadn't noticed. "I want to see you," He nods at Josh, "after class, and Vic after school." Josh groans, I--on the other hand--glare at him as I walk back to my seat.

After school, I briefly talked to Mr. Barakat about today to tell him I'd be late. He understood, knowing how I feel about Kellin. I mean, I tell him everything cause the dude is really chill and funny, it's hard not to tell him stuff when he asks. 

I quickly walk back to the music room and find Austin sitting at his desk, waiting for me. I walk around to the front of his desk and he looks up at me. "You didn't have to make such a scene in class, Vic." He said. Great, this is going to be really awkward for me since he's not acting like he normally would.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I should've talked to him either after class or school." I apologize genuinely. I would never bullshit Austin, or do anything to make him upset on purpose. 

He shakes his head and raises a hand, which kind of gets me scared cause I have a feeling he's mad at me. "Don't apologize." He begins, "After hearing what he said about Kellin, I think it was a good thing you talked about it my class. It was also good that Kellin doesn't have music with you first period." I give him a questionable look and he explains. "Well, if you weren't in my room, you would have beaten the shit out of him. Hell, I almost did myself. He chuckles.

"He did tell me he was gay yesterday in the library. I guess he's not ready to go through what me and Kellin went through, can't really blame him." I say with a shrug. Austin agrees. "Anyway, I'm gonna go back with Mr. Barakat. I'll see you tomorrow." Austin nods and I walk out of the room. 

As I walk the halls, I feel someone grab my shoulder. I instantly turn around, thinking it's Josh again, but it's an old face. Mr. Sykes. I groan, "What the hell do you want?" I snap. To be honest, I was still a little on edge from earlier.

Mr. Sykes smirks, "Oh Victor, these past few months you've surprised me." He lets go of my shoulder and continues, "But of course, I knew you'd mess up."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask with attitude. 

"I heard you almost got into a fight with the new kid, Josh franceschi." Wow, news does travel fast in this damn school. I'm surprised that he hasn't bothered me since that time I got out of getting expelled. I haven't exactly been mother Teresa these past months, I've been in more fights than ever. And I can tell you everyone in the school knew about those.

"Listen, I have places to go since your ass decided to get me to help Mr. Brakat in the library. Talk to me about this when I don't want to punch someone in the face." I retort, turning and walking down the hall to the library. 

I had stormed in, mad so Mr. Barakat pulled me aside and asked what was wrong, so I retold my story. "You don't have to help out today, you can go home." He tells me.

I shake my head, glancing over at the spot where Kellin is. I smile, instantly feeling calmer. "Well, I'll take you up on the not being put to work, but I think I'll stick around." He nods and I walk over to Kellin immediately he looks up and smiles, blushing a little as I get nearer. He's the best part of my day. 

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