Rensemees note book: New Begginings part 2

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i stood up, looking directy at him. his golden eyes peaced through mine. he took a step towards me and i took a step towards him. Jake suddenly jumped inbatween us, snarling at the male, his teeth snapping at the males neck. the man snaled and jumped out the way before Jake could lunge. i turned my head to the side to see my family run up. Carslie and my farther in the lead, the others close behind him. my mother went up to me and hugged me "are you okay Nessie love?" she asked. "im fine mommy" i replied giveing her a smile. i looked over to see my farther, Carslie and Jake, still in wolf form, standing infornt of the male. Carslie was the first to speak as always. "greetings. i am Carslie and this is my family. Edward, Bella, Rose, Emmentt, Jasper, Alice, Nessie and my wife, Esme." said Carslie. "i am Jason, i come from england...i have hurd of a coven with golden eyes that only drink animal blood. i would like to join your coven as i want to start a new life...a new Beggining" he said. Jake growled loudly letting out a snarl. my farther gave him a cold look then looked back at Jason "can you tell what gifts we have" asked my farther, one step ahead of the rest of us as always. "of couse i can, you, are a mind reader, your mate is a sheld, the small female can see the futrue and her mate can control what people are feeling and this" he jesterd towards me "this amazeing creature dose the oppisit of you mind reader" said Jason. i looked wide eyes at him and smiled "can you tell what other peoples talents are?" i asked. "that i can dear little....Nessie was it?". " her name is Renesmee" said my mother smileing to. she seemed to like him. that was good. "are you sure your capable to turn to our way?" asked Carslie. Jason nodded his head "i have already begun to practice" he said. Carlsie nodded "very well" he looked at us all and we all nodded apart from Jake who just growled, his eyes narrowed. Carslie turned back to Jason. "welcome to the Cullens"

while my farther and grandfarther talked to Jason about what us Cullens do, i decied to go and see Jake in La Push. i took my farther Volvo and parked it out side the small house that he and Billy Black shared. i knocked on the door and waited for a answer. i dident have to wait long as Billy aswerd the door about a minute after i had knocked. "good afternoon Nessie" he smiled. "Morning Billy" i smiled back "wears Jake?" "up in his room, i hurd about that new vampire joining your coven, he dosent like it." i sighed softly "hes going to have to get used to Jason then" i floted past him and skiped into Jakes small room. Jake was on his bed, alseep, snoring loudly. i let out a small giggle and laied beside him, kissing his side. a moment later he opend one eye and grinned "hey Ness" he leaned down to kiss me ever so lightly on the lips, then pulled back. "why you stop" i asked. "daddy isent hear!". "Daddy wont kill you if he reads my thoughts later" he grinned. "oh" Jake stroked my side gently and sighed "i dont like Jason Nessie....he's not right....something about him just spells trobel" he murmerd. "your just jelouse" i smiled hugging him. "maby...maby not" he said looking at the cealing. i looked up at him for a moment then sighed softly. "over protective fool"

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang