Chapter 5 - Turned Upside Down

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I know those beautiful green eyes. I don't know what to do, so I smile. I smile slowly, keeping my mouth closed. Ah what do I do, oh my gosh someone help me, I think to myself. Everyone is cheering for me. This is the top spot, he spent $15,000!  

I continue to pull my dress down every so often and keep my closed mouth smile, widening it every few seconds. I keep looking at him. Then I spot my friends in the front row. I look at the crowd, my friends and then back to him. I'm drawn to him. He's smirking, proudly standing in the back row with his friends. I'm in awe of what is happening. Who is he, I think.

The announcer motions me to move back and steps to the front of the stage. 

"That concludes the silent auction this year! Congratulations to all the lucky contestants who snagged a date. We raised over $30,000 this year and are proud to have such amazing students and families that support our school. If you won your bid, please come backstage to the director's office to meet your date. Have a great weekend!"

And with that, everyone leaves the building. I walk off the stage with Luna, confused yet excited at the same time. I guess it's the weekend now. 

"What the hell just happened?" I say to Luna, in shock.

"That was crazy but so exciting! Do you know him?" Luna asks, her voice high pitched and excited.

"I mean not really. I've seen him around but we never really talked. I don't know who he is." I reply. I mean I'm sort of lying but not really. 

I don't know him, I don't even know his name. 

All of a sudden the girls come bursting backstage, running towards me, bombing me with questions and excitement. 

"Cammie, oh my gosh what just happened?" 

"I knew there was something going on there." 

"He's literally the hottest guy on campus." 

"I heard seniors complaining that they weren't bid on by him." The girls would not stop talking.

"Guys!" I interrupt sharply. 

"Do you know who he is? I don't even know his name?!" I ask, hoping for answers. 

"Well, I heard someone say Maddox, but I'm not 100% sure that's who they were talking about. It seemed like it was him but not sure really." Breanna says, shrugging.

"Maddox," I mumble to myself.

"Come on Cammie!" Luna grabs my hand and starts to pull me away from the girls. 

"We have to go to the director's office!" And with that, we were off.

Since only 15 people have dates, only 30 people head to the director's office. Luna finds her date and since they already know each other, they don't have to exchange phone numbers to plan the date.

Meanwhile, I'm anxiously waiting for this curly-haired boy. I've never really met him so I'm not sure what to expect. He spent $15,000 on me! He must have really wanted to go on a date with me, I think to myself. That's way too much money, this can't be real. 

My hands are getting sweaty and I rub them on the skirt of my dress. I begin to look around the room. Then, like an angel falling from heaven, he walks into the room. Curly hair flowing, (despite the fact there was no wind blowing it) dimples in full show and that smirk on his face. 

He walks right up to me and holds out his hand. I grab his hand quickly and shake it up and down slowly.

"Maddox Brown, nice to meet you, Cammie." He says with a smile. 

He comes off confident, yet kind. He doesn't seem too full of himself but also not insecure at all.  

"H-hi, yeah I'm Cammie." I stutter. Then I begin to laugh awkwardly. 

"So, umm $15,000, that's a lot of money," I say suspiciously.

"You seem worth it." He says calmly. 

"You remember me?" Maddox asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Remember you?" I question, pretending not to remember his smirk as he closed the car door.

"At the beach?" He asks, raising his eyebrows and smirking.

"Oh yeah..." I drag out, pointing a finger at him. 

"You were at the beach, yeah." I stutter again, nervously. He stares at my face, analyzing it almost. 

"Well, I'll let you know when I want that date." He says ending the conversation. Maddox starts to turn away causally.

"Wait, you don't even have my number?" I ask quickly.

Maddox turns around slightly, "I'll find you sometime." and continues to walk away. 

I am confused yet intrigued. I begin to examine him. His curly brown hair, his great sense of style, his height of at least 6'2, his muscular back and arms and his confident posture. I can't help but think to myself, what the hell just happened?

I wait for Luna to finish talking but she's taking forever. Thank god I notice Meghan calling me. I answer and she tells me to meet them outside the front door. I make my way out but not without remarks from almost everyone I pass. People congratulating me, saying hello and wishing me luck. I shake it off and meet the girls quickly. 

I tell them exactly what happened. 

"oOoh steamy!" Meghan jokes.

"Dang, what the heck do you think that means?" Brooklyn asks sarcastically.

Justice can't stop laughing, Breanna won't stop making squeals of excitement and Mary, well she's just contently listening to it all.

As we walk home, I can't stop thinking about our encounter and his name, Maddox

What is he like? What will he want to do? I have to go on this date, he paid $15,000 for it! 

When we split up to head home, I invite all the girls over for a night in. 

Once I get home I plop on my bed face first and groan loudly. What is my life right now? I lay there contemplating life.

"What has my life come to?!?" I scream, motioning my arms and rolling onto my back. I rest my hands on my stomach and stare at the ceiling. I decide to turn towards my nightstand when I spot my favorite photo.

I grab the picture off the nightstand and stare at it. I run my fingers around my dad's face. I can still hear his laugh. It's a picture from my sixth-grade graduation, me and my dad. We both have huge smiles and are hugging each other. I wish he was here to help me through this. I hug the picture, whisper "I love and miss you" and set it back on the table. Oh, how I miss him every day. 

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