Welcome to Beacon

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As I looked around, all I saw was darkness, despite being seventeen, the darkness is my greatest fear. I heard a door open and to my horror, I saw my "sister" Winter walking in with a belt. She started to slam the belt onto my back, leaving more and more bruises and scars, she stopped and I thought it was over, but it was just her turning the belt around to hit me with the buckle. I kept screaming for her to stop, but all she did was laugh at my screams of pure agony.

Me: 'Why haven't I gone into shock yet?'

After what I thought was forever, it was finally over, and I was free for now. Until she put one onto my head for good measure.

I woke up sweating out of what little of my body could. No matter how long I am away from that godforsaken house, I still can't stop having these nightmares, but the truth is, they aren't nightmares at all, they are memories. Physical scars may fade over time, but mental scars are permanent. I calmed myself down and turned my attention to the clock near the bed. It read 7:30 am.

Me: 'Perfect, I still have plenty of time to get ready.'

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom for a shower, it still hurts to look at my body. Which is one thing I find quite funny, considering I can physically no longer feel anything, even pain. I can't even feel the warmth that the water offers, or the warmth of a loving embrace, not that I have had much of that over the years. Typically, I don't spend more than five minutes in the shower, there is no need for staying longer, it is needless. I stepped out and got my clothes on along with my usual hoodie, my scars make me look hideous, and I have never shown them to anyone, the only person who has ever seen them fully is Cinder, but that was when she accidentally walked into my room. I sighed quietly and did an ammo check for Bloodharvest and Bloodlust, then loaded the hand cannon form. As I was walking out, I strapped them to my belt and walked down to get some food from the hotel that I was staying in, got to have something at least before I leave. I got some waffles, bacon, and eggs along with a coffee. After quickly eating my food and leaving the money on the table, I checked out and left, walking toward the area where the bullheads would pick us up. I sat down on the bench and put in some headphones and put on my favorite song, it is a song that reminds me of my past but helps me forget it sometimes.

After a while, I was able to hear the bullheads in the distance and quickly got up from where I was seated and waited at the landing pad. The bullhead landed and I quickly climbed on, with other kids following. I leaned against the back wall, not wanting any human contact, that was until I heard a familiar voice talking to someone else.

???: I can't believe my baby sister is going with me to Beacon!

???2: Please stop.

I recognized the voice to be Ruby's. They were about to continue talking until I heard the blonde one talking to Ruby.

Blonde: Who is that guy in the hoodie?

Ruby: He looks familiar.

Blonde: Let's go talk to him!

I was looking down, but I heard footsteps moving toward me until they suddenly stopped.

Ruby: Hey, your that guy from last night!

I looked up at her slowly.

Me: Indeed I am, good to see you again, Red.

Blondie looked at me and looked at her sister, she whispered something to Ruby that made her turn bright red.

Blondie: I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister! What's your name, handsome?

Me: Handsome, huh? Haven't heard anyone call me handsome before, considering how my face looks.

Yang: Really? Just because you have some scars on your face, doesn't mean you don't look good.

Me: Wow, thank you, I really needed that.

She placed her hand on my shoulder, and I started to tear up a little.

Yang looked at me with panic in her eyes like she had done something wrong.

Yang: Did I hurt you, what did I do!?

Me: No, sorry, when you put your hand on my shoulder, it reminded me of something that I hate about myself.

Yang: What is it, if you don't mind me asking?

I looked her in the eyes.

Me: I can't feel anything, I am incapable of feeling touch, pain, warmth, cold, or anything else. And it's all my old families fault.

She looked sorry for me, and I was shot back, I was confused until I looked down to see Ruby clinging to my body. I smiled a bit and looked at Yang.

Me: I'm Y/N L/N, by the way.

Yang: It's nice to meet you Y/N.

Me: Likewise

We could see Beacon coming upon us quickly, and we landed, I got off the bullhead with the two girls and saw that Yang had run off with some other people, leaving Ruby and I to go together. We were walking and talking until Ruby bumped into someone's luggage. The person started yelling at her, but who it was sent anger through my entire body. Ruby started apologizing quickly, but Wiess wasn't caring, I quickly intervened

Me: She said she is sorry, what part of that do you not understand?

Weiss: Excuse me, who do you think you are?

Me: That's a damn shame Weiss, can't even remember her own brother?

She looked at me with a shocked face.

Weiss: That's not possible, my brother died!

I did something that I don't normally do, I ripped my hoodie and shirt off.

Me: Do these look familiar!

She looked at me with realization, and then tears formed in her eyes. I quickly put my shirt and hoodie back on, and she tried to hug me, but I pulled out blood lust and transformed it and placed the barrel against her head.

Weiss: Y-Y-Y/N, what are you doing?

Me: Don't try to touch me, I won't be able to feel it anyway, thanks to that dickhead you call a father!

Weiss: He is your father too!

Me: No he is not! What kind of father beats their son with a belt, slashes him with a knife, and freezes him up to his chin!

She pulled out her rapier and I pulled out my axes, I kept using the abuse that they put me through to make her mess up in combat.

Me: Still haven't changed have we, Weiss?

She stabbed at me, and I sidestepped and slashed at her leg, then transformed my axes into their gun form and shot an ice dust bullet at her leg, freezing her in place.

Me: If you ever want to apologize to me, make sure it is a damn good apology, and make sure you mean it.

I started to walk away, and Ruby ran up to me.

Ruby: So that girl was your sister?

Me: Unfortunately.

Ruby: Do you think she will tell your family that she found you here?

Me: Undoubtedly, but they can apologize for days, and I won't ever forgive them for what they did.

We reached the auditorium and saw Yang waving at us.

Yang: Ruby! Y/N! I saved you guys spots!

We walked over and Yang questioned her sister.

Ruby: You left me, and I bumped into a crabby girls' luggage that turned out to be Y/N's old sister, and then they got into a fight and Y/N totally won, I also saw his scars.

Yang: You saw his sister?

Ruby: Yeah, her name is Weiss!

Yang: Weiss Schnee?

Ruby: Yeah, that one.

Yang looked at me with a questioning look.

Yang: You were a Schnee?

Me: Unfortunately, though I no longer carry that name.

I heard Weiss approaching behind me, and I pulled out my axes and parried a strike from her sword and kicked her to the ground and pointed my transformed guns at her.

Me: You really haven't changed.

Weiss: You insulted our father!

Me: He may be my father at birth, but I have no father now. That man is dead to me, and he can rot in hell with the rest of you Schnees, but guess what!

Weiss: What?

Me: Since you guys didn't want to make your reputation worse and you lied about what happened to me, I can now tell the true story to the world, and your company is going down!

Weiss got angry and tried to strike me, but I shot her weapon out of her hand. I knelt down and picked her up, and placed a gun to her chin.

Me: Don't ever come near me again, or I will not hesitate to pull the trigger, got it?

She nodded frantically and I threw her to the ground, right before Ozpin started his speech.

Ozpin: I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose and direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Me: He didn't seem normal.

Ruby: Yeah, it's almost like he wasn't even there.

Goodwitch stepped onto the stage and said a quick few words.

Goodwitch: You will sleep in the ballroom tonight, your initiation starts tomorrow morning, make sure to get some rest.

Time Skip

It's nighttime now, and everyone is beginning to wind down, but as I am about to lay in my bed, I felt the need to play some music, so I grabbed the old trusty guitar that I picked up not too long ago, I have since learned a few soul songs. I walked up to the roof with the instrument and sat down on a bench. I thought about what to play for a second before deciding on one of my favorites.

As I finished the song, I turned to see two girls listening, Ruby and another girl wearing a bow.

Ruby: That was very good, Y/N.

Bow: If you don't mind, could you do another song? I'm Blake, by the way.

Me: Pleasure to meet you, Blake, and of course I don't mind.

I thought again for a minute, before deciding on another good one.

The two clapped, and I felt an emotion that I haven't felt in a long time, happiness. I smiled at them.

Me: We should probably get some sleep.

Blake: You're right, thank you for the show!

Ruby: Yeah, you're right, goodnight Y/N!

Blake's PoV

There is something about that boy that is special, I am not sure what it is, but despite the many scars riddling his face, he seems so happy and like a genuinely good person, I wonder what he looks like under that hoodie? I started to mentally scold myself for thinking that way.

Me: 'No! You just met him! Why am I blushing?'

Whether it is possible or not, I think I am already feeling a spark of something for this boy, he just seems like he needs to be protected from something, and when I looked into his eyes, I could sense hurt, fear, and anger coming from them, there was also a sense of loneliness and desperation for something. Whatever it may be, I will find it out and give it to him, from what I heard from his fight with the heiress earlier, she and her family did something to him. A sudden realization popped into my head. He is missing, and craving love, and affection. Something that he has been most certainly lacking, judging from the fight he had earlier. Am I going to be able to show and give him the love he desperately craves and needs? I really hope so, because, like him, I crave something like that as well, only his seems to be much larger desperation rather than a simple craving for love. Wait, I am falling in love with a guy I just met. Crap.

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