Lucifer Rising- Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I love you, Sammy." You said.

"I love you too." He hugged you back. Yes, you didn't have your mom and yes, you missed her like crazy but you had to be there for Sam and this was a step in the right direction.


"Y/N, when is Dean going to be back?" Sam asked, eating the food that you made him. You were in charge of watching Sammy even though he was perfectly fine if he was on his own. Mary Winchester was the one to teach John how to cook. John was the one to teach Dean how to take and to take care of himself if he wasn't around. Dean was the one to teach you since John was always busy and barely had any time to hang out with his kids.

Then you were the one to teach Sam. You only taught him how to cook the basics, just in case you, John, or Dean weren't there to take care of him.

"Soon, Sam, I promise. If they're not back by tonight, they definitely be back tomorrow." You said with a smile, watching him eat. There was only enough food for Sam and you weren't about to take that from him. You could survive one more day without food.

"Thanks for cooking for me. You didn't have to do that, I could have done that myself." Sam said, eating the spaghetti you made for him.

"I wanted to. Taking care of you is the thing I know best and I know I can't really ever screw that up." You said with a chuckle.


"You ready to go out there?" Dean said, pointing to the road where there were a million and one cars.

"Not particularly." You let it a nervous chuckle. You had two hands on the wheels, gripping it as you drove and Dean noticed that.

"Ease up on the wheel. If you want, use one hand. I do." You took one hand off and smiled at how easy this was. As you were rounding the corner, you saw a small animal dart out in front of you and you let out a little yelp, swirling as you tried to avoid it.

You didn't see the 50 foot pole in your way and you screamed as you let go of the wheel and crashed into it. Thankfully you weren't going that fast because it didn't leave a ton of damage but the bumper was ruined and the paint chipped. You put the car in park and looked at Sam to see if he was alright.

"Sam, are you okay?" You bit your lip when he was smiling.

"Let's do that again!" He giggled.


"Y/N! Wake up!" You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. You looked at Sam who had a huge smile on his face. He had a box in his hands and you smiled, sitting up.

"Hey, Sammy." You could smell the breakfast that John was already making you. This is how it always was, every year. Sam would wake you up, John made you breakfast and you would go about your day normally. You tried not to make a big deal out of your birthday.

Most years, it wasn't. But this year, Dean would make sure this day would be special.

"I got you something." Sam said, holding the box to you.

"You didn't have to." You said, grabbing it. You opened it up and smiled when you saw it was the bracelet you've been pining over at the thrift shop. You didn't have enough money to get it yourself but you didn't think that Sam had enough money either.

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