Jump the Shark- Part 3

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"He ever tell you how he did it?" you asked.

"Most of the time, he said good, solid police work. But after a few beers, he'd admit he had a little help."

"From who?" Dean asked.

"A 'specialist'. That's all he'd say."

"Cops ever find the guy that stole the bodies?"

"No, but when I asked Joe about it, he'd say not to worry—that 'we took care of what done it'."

After a few more sips, you two left to go back to the car to discuss the case in privacy.

"What if John killed whatever did this, and the same kind of creature is back?" you asked.

"Why would the same creature hit a town that has already been hit on?"

"You heard what Lisa said. John and Joe took care of what did it. Maybe John killed it, but its friends or family is back for more?"

"I don't know, but we've been away long enough. Let's go back," he said as he started the car. Since this was a small town, the drive back to the motel room wasn't far, and what you two stumbled upon was not what you were expecting.

Sam was lying on the ground, holding onto Adam's truck as something tried to pull him underneath it. Adam was trying to drag him away but wasn't strong enough.

"Dean! Y/N! Help" Adam yelled, and you got out of the car before Dean even put her in park. Both of you ran to help, and while Dean grabbed Sam's arm to help pull, blue magic formed at the tip of your fingers. Adam watched with wide eyes as you flicked your wrist towards the car, causing a blast of your magic to hit whatever was underneath it.

Sam was dragged to safety, and you looked at the brothers to see if they were okay. When you saw no sign of any kind of injury, you picked up the fallen keys that Sam had dropped. Looking at the brothers, you walked to the car before getting behind the wheel. Starting her up, you backed away so you could see what was underneath it.

When you were in the clear, Dean walked to the sewer gate as you got out. He bent down before touching something red, you assumed blood.

"You winged it," Dean said as he walked back to the car.

"Really? I usually don't draw blood when I do that."

"It must have hit something because it was bleeding," he answered before looking at his brother. "Did you see anything?"

"I didn't get a good look."

"What the hell is this thing?" you asked.

"Why—who—should we go after it?" Adam stuttered.

"No, no. In that maze? That thing's long gone."

"Alright, so, we don't know what it is, but we do know who it's going after. Joe Barton, Adam's mom, and Adam. It was under his truck, just waiting for him. It set a trap and I walked right into it."

"Doesn't matter. You're right—there's a pattern. Joe Barton was a cop. I'm pretty sure he helped out Dad. So, we've got him, Dad's girl, and his son."

"All the people Dad knew in town," you put the pieces together.

"At least we know why it's back."

"It wants revenge," Adam said, a certain look rested on his face. It was the look of anger, but not the kind of anger for almost getting Sam, it was something different. Like you said earlier, something wasn't right with the kid.


"Grab your stuff. We'll hit the road," Dean ordered Adam once you four got back to his house. If it was going after Adam, then the best thing as to get him out of town. If that happens, the monster might follow you away from these people. Adam did was he was told before going upstairs to grab a bag.

"We shouldn't leave," Sam said, resting his injured ankle on another chair.

"Yeah, let's stay here, where the kid's mom got ganked. Good one," Dean sassed.

"I'm serious."

"No, Sam, we're gonna take the kid, we're gonna drop him off at my dad's, and then we're gonna come back here and finish what John started."

"How? We got no leads, no witnesses. We do have what this thing wants."

"You want to use the kid as bait? That's why you want to stay here?" Dean asked, surprised.

"Maybe this thing will come back. We could train Adam—get him ready."

"He could die, Sam," you tried to reason with him.

"We could all die, Y/N. Even if we do kill this thing, there are tons of other freaks that want revenge, on Dad, on us. What if they find the kid instead and he's not ready?" Sam asked as he wrapped his ankle in an Ace Bandage.

"I'll do it," Adam said from behind with a bag over his shoulder. Surprised you didn't hear him, you three turned to face him. "Whatever it takes, I'll do it. I want to do it."

"If we're doing this, we're doing it right," you declared.


In order to get Adam ready, Sam was teaching him how to shoot somewhere where no one would hear the gunshots. Sam was with Adam while you were with Dean by the car. You two didn't want any part in this. Staring at Adam as he got ready to shoot, you decided to speak up.

"Something isn't right, Dean."

"About what?"

"About Adam."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, and it's killing me. The way he looked when he talked about revenge earlier wasn't I'm-pissed-that-the-monster-tried-to-get-Sam kind of way, it was more of I'm-pissed-that-the-monster-failed-at-getting-Sam. The vibe I'm getting isn't human, I can tell you that."

"He passed all the tests, silver, holy water..."

"There are things out there that those two don't effect. I don't know, just keep an eye on him, is all I'm saying," you sighed as you looked at Sam and Adam bonding.

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