Author's Notes and Side Stories

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First of all, I would like to thank you for taking your time to read my story. When I first decided to write this, I told myself that even if only one person enjoyed it then it would all be worth it already. So for me it's a thrill everytime a new person does. I'm really thankfull!!

Some trivia:

- Each tittle is structured depending on the person's pv. Reader has a title made of two words and Bert has a sentence. I created the titles after making this rule for myself. It was fun trying to find the right thing related to the chapter.

- Initially the story was supposed to finish in chapter 6 (The End) in wich Bertholdt would confess his feelings on that crossroad on your way home. But when I was going to write it, it didn't feel right. To me it felt plain. I wanted more conflict in the story; and that's how I got the idea of the festival part. From there I decided how the last chapter would be and then thought about the rest afterwards. 

- At first I was conflicted on if I should add that kiss at the festival to the story or not. I was afraid people might not like it since it was a reader story and not reibert tagged. But I ended up thinking it was ok since they were just friends and it was just a playfull thing. To be fair I just couldn't see the story any other way after I came up with that, I didn't want to change it. So I was glad that in the end people seemed to have enjoy the surprise I think x)


These are the things I tried to hint at, but I couldn't fully explain in the story since it wasn't directly related to the ones telling it.

Jean, Marco, Hitch and Marlo

Regarding what happened to Jean, he and Marco had a thing for a while now, but he didn't want other people to know so he was always trying to hide it. When they got to the house, Marco was upset because he couldn't openly spend time with him. On the first day, at the entrance, Jean talks about on how he took Marco to his tent, and Reiner asks about it and he changes it to cover it, wich makes Marco have a fight with him afterwards. If he wants to date a girl instead so bad, then they would date a girl instead. He tries to make Jean jeaulous by talking to Hitch, but that doesn't work out because Marlo gets so jeaulous instead that he intervenes. He ends up dancing with her and they get together afterwards. 

Marco's plan completely fails, and so does Jean's as it is seen in the main story. They end up alone together that night and agree that they both suck at picking up girls. Jean agrees to tell people one of these days and Marco gives him more time. 

Reiner, Christa and Ymir

Reiner had a crush on Christa since highschool, as it is stated. When Bertholdt asks Reiner 'So, what's your deal with Christa?' he actually wanted to ask if he liked her, if he was going to do something about it (since he keeps telling Bert to make a move on reader but he, himself, won't) but Reiner understands that he was asking about the fact that she was upset with him. On the day before, after the dance, Reiner looks angry at reader not because of what she thinks, but rather because Christa was upset with him for bringing the bottle.

When Bertholdt shares with Reiner that he asked reader to have dinner with him, Reiner finds that to be the perfect opportunity to talk to Christa again. He knows how much she loves to help other people, so he tells her that he needs her help to get them together. She of course agrees and goes out of her way to make all of that happen. Truth is, Christa wasn't even upset with Reiner anymore; she had already forgave him from what happened the day before. Still he was relieved for spending time with her preparing the thing for them. Bert was shocked when he found out he did all of that but was happy because the night turned out to be really special.

Lastly, Reiner hasn't made a move this whole time because of Ymir. She and Christa are very close even though they fight once in a while. He isn't sure on what is going on between them, and is too afraid of being rejected... deep down he's just too insecure even though he says all those things to Bert.

Levi, Erwin and Hange

Back at the Romantic Dinner chapter, Levi goes there to play the violin and he states that he's doing it because all his money mysteriously disapeared. When Reiner has a talk with Bertholdt in a previous chapter he tells him that at some point Levi was throwing money at Erwin's naked torso. So that's how Levi lost his money. I don't know if the joke was too subtle so I'm explaining it here lol.

When Reiner is dancing with Reader he tells her that Erwin is not interested in college girls. Reader doesn't get it because it's actually an inside joke. Thing is, rumor has it that Erwin and Levi had a thing in the past, that's why Reiner talks like he's not into girls. But what people don't know is that Hange was the one that created that rumor one day out of a funny revenge because of something that happened at work. It ended up getting out of hand though and now everyone thinks it really happened. 


And lastly, did you get curious on what was the prize of the mystery hunt?

Alright, I'll tell you...




The prize was the boyfriend you made along the way.

Pff sorry. Couldn't resist x)

Final thoughts

Now that it's over, it feels both satisfying and sad. I'm glad I was able to finish it and that I managed to keep a schedule of release chapter, more or less, but I really had fun coming up with the situations, dialogues and all. Even so, back then when I decided on the ending I promised to myself I would end it there because I didn't want to stretch the story for too long.

But now, I wonder...

I have a few ideas for a sequel. It would be focused on the relationship with Bertholdt with some sweet moments but also some drama... Would you like it if I wrote it?

There are a few parts I'm excited about and want to write but I need to structure and plan things a little better before I start. So I want to know if you are interested! Even if it takes a while till I post.

And that's all from me. Ah no actually, for reading this far I have something for you! I'm writting a bonus chapter about what happened right after the story ends. Hope you enjoy!

Have a nice day :D










Edit January 2021

I'm making the sequel I was talking about! If you enjoyed this story and are interested in it you can check my profile. Also thank you for all the positivity and fun comments! 

You guys are awesome :)

Growing feelings  - (Bertholdt x Reader) College AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ