Threatful Dance - part 2

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I looked confused at Reiner besides Jean, wondering what was the reason for him to interrupt our dance.

- You mean you're too busy using (y/n) to make someone else jealous? Yeah I can see that.

- W-what! That's not...!

- Either way it's my turn now - Reiner put an arm arround me and pulled me closer to his body. - So go and find someone else to entertain you.

Jean didn't answer and just scoffed. He turned arround and left.

- Reiner why did you say that? And shouldn't I be the one to decide who I dance with?

He ignored me and started to move his feet.

I gave in and moved my feet along his. What did he meant by saying that Jean was using me. Making someone else jealous... was that the reason he was being so nice with me?

I looked down while wondering what to think.

- Why do you look so sad? Don't tell me you have a crush on that guy.

I looked at him with an indignant expression.

- And what if I had? - I said, just to see his answer.

- If you had, I would tell you not to bother. Just not worth it.

- And why is that?

- Because Jean already likes someone else. He's just too stubborn to admit it to people, even though everyone already knows anyway.

I got hit by how ironic that sounded. What about he admiting that he and Bertholdt were a couple? Guess it's different when it's someone else.

- Not to worry then. I only see him as a friend. - my annoyance was noticeable in my tone of voice - satisfied? 

- Then who is.

- Who is what.

- Who do you have a crush on?

My mind went to Bertholdt and I had to advert my eyes. 

- No one.

- Is it me?

- What? - I turned to face him again and gave him a malicious smile - Hell no, it's not you.

- Ouch, that one hurt - he said while smirking - But, It's not you? Then it is someone!

I blushed and had a you got me expression all over my face. I didn't answer back wich made me look even more guilty.

- Ok ok, then let's have a guessing game - he proceeded - does he, let's say, for example, have dark hair?

- No. - I instinctively replied. If he was going to insist on this, I would just have to made up someone.

- No? hmmm... then is he blonde?

- Sure.

- If it's not me... Oh I know! It's Mike isn't it.

- No!... I mean... he's not bad, it's just...

- He's too creepy for you? With all that smelling thing...

- Actually, I'm not too bothered by that -

 - Ok ok, let me stop you right there - Reiner laughed - Then how about Armin?

- You mean the guy that is allways with Eren and Mikasa?

- Yes that one.

- He's kinda cute, I'll admit that.

- But maybe a little too cute for a guy, no?

Growing feelings  - (Bertholdt x Reader) College AUWhere stories live. Discover now