Beautiful World - part 2

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I placed my hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

- Bertholdt... we'll figure something out. Even if we can't find our way back, I'm sure someone will come looking for us. Don't you think Reiner would just come rushing as soon as he realised we didn't get back before nightfall?

He let out a nervous chuckle. - I don't know, he might think that we were just... - he stopped before finishing the sentence and cleared his throat - Ahem, I mean he'll think we're still playing the game.

- We wouldn't play the game if it was already night... what else could we be doing in this dense and dark forest... I'm sure he'll get that we got lost and will come to find us.

Bertholdt didn't answer and stayed quiet for a while.

I looked at him trying to read his expression.

- Why are you making that face...?

- I-It's nothing!

He got up and walked arround nervously.

The forest was fully dark by now, with only a few rays of moonlight passing through the branches.

I distractedly checked my wound while I was pondering on the question I've wanted to ask for a long time. I didn't know if it was the right opportunity, however I needed to get this off my chest.

Something I didn't ask before because I was too afraid of the answer.

I couldn't go on like this any longer.

- So... how are things between you and Reiner?

He stopped walking and shrugged his shoulders. - Normal. Why you ask?

- Just making conversation... how long have you been together?

- Since we were kids... I've known him for a long time. But I thought I've told you this already...?

- I didn't mean when you met him...

- Then what did you mean?

He looked at me, confused. I was starting to feel annoyed that he didn't get what I meant. Did I really had to say it directly?

- How long have you been together as in... you know... a couple.

- A couple??

I was took by surprise on how shocked he was.

- It's alright, you don't need to hide it anymore. I mean, I thought I was close enough for you guys to tell me about it... and I'm a bit disapointed I was the one that had to bring it up... but it's been so long now...

Bertholdt was staring at me unbelieving what he was hearing.

- What? Don't act so surprised! I know it's ok if you don't want people to know but... I just don't get it. Your behaviour. Everything just doesn't make sense...

- Where did you get the idea that me and Reiner were... dating? - he said the last word with an incredulous tone.

- I saw you two kissing... back at the festival.

- Ah! That... - he started to quietly laugh while looking away - You saw that...

- Hey it's not funny... is this just a game to you? Playing with people's feelings...

I noticed that he had locked his gaze on something far away and I followed along.

- Do you see a light over there...? - he asked.

- I do... what is it... is it a firefly?

- If it is... we need to follow it! They usually hang out near water. If we find the river we can find our way back!

Growing feelings  - (Bertholdt x Reader) College AUWhere stories live. Discover now