I'm falling for you again

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Bertholdt's pv

It's her.

The one person I wanted to see the most for the past weeks. The one I wanted to talk to, spend time with. The one I missed so much that it felt like a heavy weight was pulling me down.

For the next few days she will be arround. So close to my grasp.

I need to find a way... for us to be friends again.

- Is everyone ready? - said Christa to the people arround her.

- Armin, Mikasa and Eren said they won't come. - explained Connie.

Christa looked at Reiner and I saw him blushing. I remember he used to have a crush on her on highschool. I wondered if I should tease him the way he used to do with me and (y/n).

Now that I think about it, it's been a long time since he's done that. Guess he's just keeping his word.

Even though, there's something more to it... ever since the festival that I've been feeling that he's a little distant. Even though we talk normally everyday.

I ended up never telling him... what happened that day with (y/n). He never asked either.

- We're going to a special place I personally like, but we need to walk for a bit in the dense forest to get there. Follow behind me!

They started to follow her and I let myself stay behind, ending up close to a group of people that work at the coffe shop I usually go to.

- Why do I have to go to this stupid school trip too. Do I look like a babysitter to you?

- Don't be like that, Levi! Maybe we'll be able to find something interesting... like... like... a BEAR! - she couldn't help the excitment printed on her face. - Moblit did you bring the notebook?

- Y-yes, but Hange please don't put yourself in danger on purpose!


When I arrived at the place, most people had already found a place on the grass, spreading their towels and happily chatting.

There was a small lake, not as big as the one near the house, but it had a beautiful waterfall coming out from the mountain that ended there. After the lake, the water would flow into a river. Near the water the trees were more scarce and there was room to enjoy the light of the warm sun that was shinning that day.

I placed my towel next to Reiner, and awkwardly looked arround me. I started to take off my shirt.

I was surprised by a huge 'splash' sound and saw that Jean and Connie had jumped to the water without thinking twice. Maybe I should be more impulsive too...

I found (y/n) a bit farther from where I was. She was talking to Sasha, who was wearing a... bikini. Oh, right. Christa had requested us to bring our swim wear. So the girls would be wearing it too.

So the girls would be wearing it too.

I was shocked in place when I suddenly realised. I felt my face burning up. So that means... I was going to see her... in... dressed with...

- Yo Jean, help me out here! - called out Reiner.

Jean got out of the water and I felt Reiner's arms arround me pulling my torso up. Jean ran towards us and grabbed my legs.

- W-wait! No! Let me go! - I tried resisting. 

- Nah you need to freshen up a bit! You're staring so much your eyes might fall off.

- W-what??

Jean couldn't stop laughing while they carried me.  Once we reached the lake, they swang me back and foward until they throw me to the water and I fell hopelessly onto the water.

I strugled to get back to the surface in a very embarrassing way. Once I was in control again, I looked arround and saw that (y/n) was looking at me. I slowly lowered my head inside the water again.

I swam to the other side of the lake, near the waterfall. I wanted to disapear.

- Are you alright?

I turned arround and saw (y/n) swiming in my direction.

- Yeah...

- That was kinda mean of them...

- It's ok...

We were left in silence, like it was usual for our conversations to end up in. I want for us to be friends again but it's hard to come up with things to say when the time comes...

I felt sprinkles of water in my face and looked back at her. 

- Why so serious? - she said while smilling. Once more, she pushed her hands from the water and drenched my shocked expression.

I narrowed my eyes and stared at her. Without thinking I brought my hands up and splashed her face with more water than I was intending too. The amount of water made her bounce back.

- Oh s-s-sorry!! I didn't mean to...

She straigthen up again, and then she started to laugh. No one knows how much I've missed that laugh. Without realising, I started to laugh too.

- What do you say we go and get some revenge?

We agreed on a plan to get back at them, and after that we played some water sports with everyone.

It's been a while since I've felt like this.

Spending time with her is just so much fun.

Growing feelings  - (Bertholdt x Reader) College AUWhere stories live. Discover now