Unexpected Smile

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On our monday class, we showed our progress to the teacher, to wich he praised that our work was currently one of the best comparing to the others. Bertholdt didn't look at me a single time, and he acted distant. Even though he would answer nicely when I talked to him, it seemed like he was treating me like a stranger. I felt like there was a wall between us that I couldn't overthrow.

On that day after he left, I was filled with sadness. I finished what was needed for the presentation, and spent the rest of the weekend watching movies and eating ice cream. I wanted to meet with him again, and talk like how we did before, but my bitterness only grew stronger when the teacher announced that there would be no classes for the next few weeks. There was no need to have things ready next monday, and that would mean that we could meet up closer to the deadline since there was a lot of time to finish it.

Days passed by without talking to him, and I was torn on what I should do. I wanted to send him a message, but I didn't want to be a bother either. I waited for him to say something but that never happened. My mind kept going to that moment outside my bathroom. The way he grabbed my arm... the warmth from his chest... his soft breath on my cheeks... that feeling of getting lost in his eyes.

But then my mind would also go to that moment on the front door. I was still trying to figure out what that all meant. I know that he and Reiner are allways together, so it wouldn't be a stretch to think they could be more than friends. However, maybe I was bit too hasty to come to that conclusion. I'm not even sure if it makes sense to think that given what I saw.

It's just that he acted so flustered that it felt like I've just found out his darkest secret...

Either way, it was none of my business to middle. So I decided to forget about that for now.

I was heading to my next class when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

- Yo (y/n). Can we talk for a second?

It was Reiner. What could it be that he wanted from me...?

- Me and a bunch of friends were thinking about going to the movie theater this weekend. Wanna join us?

- Sure! - I quickly answered.

I was surprised he invited me, but there was no doubt that I wanted to go. Besides the fact that I could go out and have some fun, there was also the chance he would be there...I asked when the movie was, and we talked a bit more after. Reiner was someone that was easy to talk to. It was like he had just lifted a heavy burden from my shoulders. 'Bertholdt will definitely be there.'


I arrived at the movie theater a bit earlier than I should, since I couldn't continue to wait at home. Would he be there or not...?

I saw Reiner waving at me and I joined him. He was alone.

- Looks like we got here a bit early, right... no one else is here yet. - I said while looking arround.

- Actually they ended up saying they couldn't come. You know how people are, they say yes in an heartbeat but then when it's time to come they don't show up. But don't mind it too much, we'll still watch the movie - He was joyful and smilled a lot, like he wasn't even bothered by it.

They all... canceled? Well to begin with, how many people did Reiner even invite?

I started to feel nervous. So it would be just the two of us...? Wouldn't that be weird?

'So I guess... I won't see him today...'

I looked hopelessly at the front door. There were a lot of people arround, coming and going.

But none of them was...

'It's him'

My heart skiped a beat when I saw a tall figure entering the hallway. When he saw me, he stopped walking and widened his eyes.

- Bertholdt, over here! - Reiner said, trying to make him move again.

He aproached us and gave a threatening look to Reiner.

- Remember those guys I talked to you about? Looks like they couldn't come. So it's just the three of us. Isn't that great?

Bertholdt continued to look at him like he was talking to him internally.

- Yeah.

- Good then. I'm going to go and buy the tickets. You guys can catch up while I'm gone.

He left and an heavy feeling filled the air. I took a better glance at him. Somehow, he was looking more handsome than usual.

- Seriously, how can people say they come and then just leave us hanging, ahah. If they can't come they should just say right away, right?

He nodded while looking away, and then lift his arm to scracth the back of his neck.

- Right.

- You know I heard it's going to rain tomorrow. Hard to believe since it's so sunny today, don't you think?

- Yeah...

I stayed silent for a bit. Really, not even talking about the weather? That was my last resort for anything. I kinda said it as a joke but... what could it be that I could tell him that would make us have a normal conversation again?

Oh. That's right. That one thing we have in common.

- Berthold, about our project -

I was interrupted by Reiner that had just arrived with the tickets.

- They said we can come in, so let's go. - he said while giving each a ticket.

We looked for our seats, and I entered the row of chairs first. Bertholdt waited for Reiner to follow me.

- Ah, you see, we must respect the numbers on our tickets.

- Reiner pointed at the paper.

Bertholdt looked at him, again saying something that he wouldn't pronouce, and aproached the seat next to me.


After so many days without seeing him, it felt nice to have him right by my side in that dark room. The movie was fun too, it had a lot of comedy so people in the threater would laugh often.


Bertholdt's laugh was so incredibly cute.

In the end, the protagonist had a scene where he was about to die with a girl crying on his lap. They had an heart felt moment and kissed.

I took a glance at Bertholdt and he was looking at me. To my surprise he didn't look away this time.

I smiled and he smiled back.

I wished time could stop.

Suddenly the main vilian showed up with a BAM and I was startled, wich caused us to break out from that moment. After that Bertholdt looked at the screen like he was really focused on what was going on.


After the movie, the three of us shared our opinion on the story, and discussed a few details. Bertholdt seemed more relaxed and confortable talking to me.

We agreed on our next meeting for the project, and I was relieved for knowing when I would see him again.

I went home thinking about that little moment we shared. Why would we smile at each other on such a tragic scene in the story?

I let out a chuckle.

Growing feelings  - (Bertholdt x Reader) College AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum