Broken Silence

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The happiness lasted for a while... but Sam broke up with me right when i needed him most. Right when my mutism was at its peak... when i was nervous as hell... when i was about to start high school.

"are you kids ready for school tomorrow?" mom yelled. I heard my 3 sisters and my brother say yes but i began to cry and yelled no. quickly mom raced up the stairs and ask why not but i just sat there on my bed and cried. Mom grew impatient and turned to leave my room. As she reached my door I said quietly, "What if i cant talk again?" Mom laughed "You can do it. its not much different from Elementary school. i know you can do it Mack... i believe in you."

Mom was right... i could do it. i still struggle with my mutism but i know that with the help of my friends and my mom, i can do anything. <3

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