You raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm not an idiot, okay? Something happened when I wasn't here."

Hoseok sighed and raked a hand through his now caramel hair.

"Eunji-ssi just confessed."


Hoseok watched after you as you rushed to comfort Eunji. He sighed. He knew you'd probably never notice him, but he couldn't stop feeling the way he did about you. You were a wonderful person, and he loved that you could enjoy dancing just as much as he did. It was, after all, his biggest joy and pride, and it felt wonderful to have you there and share that emotion with him. As much as Jimin or Jungkook enjoyed dance, the passion that you shared with him was on a different level, only something that people as passionate as yourself or Hoseok could understand.

And it wasn't just your passion for dance that had his stomach performing backflips every time he was around you. It was your incredible personality. The first person Taehyung had approached after Soo Jin had landed you in the infirmary was Hoseok, and so he knew everything that you were holding in, refusing to tell anyone for Soo Jin's sake, though she had harmed you in so many ways.

Hoseok still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Tae was still with Soo Jin, even after hearing about her horrible personality. The poor puppy had fallen too deeply in love. Just as he himself had. Except, when he watched you, and how incredibly gentle you were with everyone else, he knew he wouldn't face a scenario like Taehyung had.

And that just made him fall harder.


You woke up in the morning, pain shooting through your limbs. You'd stayed with Eunji late into the night until she had finally calmed down and drifted off to sleep, her pillow damp with hysterical tears. You felt really bad for her. You could still remember clear as day when you found out you didn't have a chance with Tae, and you could imagine how Eunji felt about Hoseok.

Though Eunji had never explicitly mentioned it, you noticed from the way she talked about Hoseok or looked at him that she had started liking him. In fact, if you yourself weren't so infatuated with Tae, you were sure you'd fall head over heels for him too. The man was irresistible.

However, you also knew that Eunji would eventually get over it. Eunji was always less emotionally invested in the guys she liked than you were. It would take her a week, at tops, for her to forget and return to normal.

You quickly got ready and hurried to your practice room, ignoring the sneer Soo Jin gave you as you entered. Moments later, your instructor entered and you started your practice. All thoughts about Hoseok, Tae, Soo Jin and Eunji melted away as you fell into rhythm with the beats. Your group had started practicing with mics while dancing, so you'd get used to always having one hand occupied in the actual stage performance. As if the choreography wasn't already hard enough, you had to focus so that the mic didn't fly from your grasp.

By the time you were on the third time practicing the same song, your shirt was already soaked from the effort and your head was pounding. You were desperate for a break, but knew you wouldn't get one for a while. Gritting your teeth, you pushed yourself as hard as you could, trying to keep up your energy.

You made a mental note to ask Hoseok how he managed to keep up his energy despite his obvious lack of sleep.


Taehyung stared at his phone, waiting for a reply. He'd just sprung a theory on Soo Jin, one he'd told you a week or so ago, about his interpretation of rainbows. Soo Jin had unenthusiastically answered that she thought it was brilliant and that he should definitely tell her more of his theories whenever he thought of them.

However, Taehyung could practically taste her insincerity even through a screen. He didn't like it. At all. Lately, Soo Jin had been opting to spend time with him only when he was with Jungkook or the other boys. And while she was with him and the others, she'd constantly bat her eyelids at Jungkook in a way that made both Taehyung and Jungkook extremely uncomfortable.

He didn't understand why Soo Jin had gone to such lengths to date Taehyung if she liked Jungkook better.

Sighing, he switched off his phone, and curled up into a ball, trying to get some sleep.


There's a hint to you why Soo Jin was lying and avoiding Tae. Why she was lying and trying to flirt with Jungkook will be revealed pretty darn soon.

Which means like.

3 or 4 chapters.


Don't kill me.

(I'd like to hear theories though)

(Ok bye I'm out)

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