I saw something in France, I think it followed me home

Start from the beginning

I woke up with my heart beating out of my chest. I checked the time and it was 6:50, 10 minutes until my alarm went off. I got ready and headed down for breakfast, I was soon joined by my friends and we all ate together. Kaycee looked at my as we sat across from one another. "You don't look well" she said, I could tell she was concerned, but I don't think she would believe me if I told her some old bitch chased me in all fours. "I had a nightmare and didn't get to sleep to well" I said. "Can you tell me about it?" "I don't remember, I just woke up from a nightmare of some sort, I'm fine, where are we headed to next?" I didn't feel comfortable trying to recall the nightmare, so I tried changing the subject "Some place with a castle but I don't know what it's called" "dummy" "whatever"

We sat next to each other on the bus and we were headed to a place called Chartres. Me and Kaycee talked for a bit and I ended up falling asleep against the window. I woke up, shivering cold. I couldn't move "What the hell?" I glanced forward and saw the hag. Staring at me. She started walking down the isle, shambling, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. The hag was approaching me, bones cracking with every step, that raspy breathing, her dead gaze. She got to my seat and leaned over about an inch from my face. She opened her mouth and her yellow teeth showed. The smell was horrible. It smelled like rotting meat. Her cheeks began to rip, and her teeth stuck out along with her gums. I could only watch in horror, but all of a sudden I was jolted awake. "Wake up sleepy head we're here!" Kaycee said excitingly. I couldn't function regularly with that sight still in my mind. I tried my best acting normal but I was paranoid. The town was beautiful and the food was great, I just needed to relax, that's all, but there was no way in hell Im sleeping by myself tonight, or sleeping at all. After a long day of walking around, and eating dinner with the Rosé wine me and Kayla always order, I told her about my nightmares. I made up a bullshit story where I get really bad nightmares and it can cost me sleep. I also added that since my sleep patterns have been changed dramatically it happens a lot. She was more than happy to let me sleep in her room, and since we switched hotels, Ava and Ella were gonna me sleeping in the room too. I took a quick shower and got a pillow and slept on the floor, they offered me a bed but I didn't want to cost them there comfort. They handed me a comforter. I put it on the floor so I at least had some cushion, I plugged in my phone and slowly, drifted off into sleep. I woke up with no incident. I was happy, and well rested. I had no bags under my eyes. The rest of the trip I slept with them, on the floor, and it was nice. We visited Amboise, a little town with a medieval twist to it, then Normandy. Be being a ww2 nerd, it was really cool. The sights are way better in person then they are in pictures.

It wasn't until the last day, the last fucking day. I fell asleep early because our flight was at 6 in the morning for Minneapolis. I woke up and was it was like some one threw a pillow at my face, you know those sudden moments where you are randomly jolted awake for know reason? Yea, that. The room was pitch black, and I couldn't move. I felt a tremendous amount of weight on my chest. I was beyond scared, already preparing for the worst. The window was slightly open, and gusts of wind were blowing the curtains from side to side, showing the moonlight in front of me every few seconds. I saw her. It. Whatever the fuck this thing is. But it wasn't standing, I was right over my face, on all fours, about an inch away from me. I could feel her matted hair brush across my face as the wind blew. She raspy breathing was slow and deep. She began opening her mouth, slowly, and every time the moonlight showed her face, it look slightly more inhuman. I thought I was going to die. I closed my eyes shut. I couldn't move a muscle. All of a sudden I could move, and the creature wasn't there. I turned on my phone light and looked around the room. Nothing. I checked the bathroom, and there was no sign of her. I was still scared, and saw my friends still sleeping peacefully. "Lucky asses" I thought, but I would rather have this thing come for than them, they were innocent. From that point on I didn't fall asleep. I drank as much coffee as I could for breakfast and at the airport. I said goodbye to Ava and Ella, I was going to miss them, they were very nice. I added them on Snapchat and instagram. It was just me and Kaycee now. On the plane I ordered coffee. Peeing sucked but I had to stay awake, I just had too. On my way to the bathroom I thought I saw the woman, but it was my imagination playing tricks on me. I watched movies to stay awake, played games on my phone and would read, or at least try too. It was no use. I began falling asleep. Kaycee woke up 4 hours into the flight. "Did you sleep?" She asked me. "No" I said I broke down and, I told her everything. She looked at my in shock and said she was sorry. She said that she believed in me and she held my hand and said she for me to sleep and she would wake me if she sensed anything wrong. "You promise?" I said, with uncertainty. "Yes" she replied, I put on a neck pillow and and blanket and began falling asleep. Kaycee's warm hand was a reassurance that I would be alright. I woke up from the touch down and she was on her phone. She looked at me and smiled. "You ok? Did you sleep good?" "Yea, thank you, sorry if I scared you, I think I was going crazy from the lack of sleep" "your fine, let's get out of the stinky plane" we both laughed at that. We met our chaperone and Angie at the terminal exit and got our luggage and boarded the next plane. I fell asleep on this flight and woke up to Kaycee waking me up. We were home. I said by to everyone and said my to Kaycee, she gave me a Polaroid picture of the Eiffel Tower. We hugged and she went to a different area to get picked up. Damn I'm gonna miss her. My uncle picked me up and drove me home. I was still tired because of the time zone switch and jet lag. As soon as I got home I crashed out. I was happy to see my mom and thanked her for the trip. I uploaded my pictures of all of us together and other random landmarks on my instagram. Weeks went by and I totally forgot about the hag. Until.... I started seeing glimpses of it, like my mind was playing tricks on me. I was watching a movie and I could of sworn I've seen it. I rewinded and it wasn't there. I was grocery shopping and thought I saw her in one of the isles, but there was no one there. These sudden appearances began making me uneasy, and sure enough, I woke up one night, with that same, familiar chill. A sense of dread came before me. My room has a small night light so it dimly lights up my surroundings. I saw it, on the ceiling. It's head turned around in a sickening way, where the head was facing the opposite direction from the body, staring at me. I couldn't move, it then dropped down on top of me. It crawled up to my face. I began to cry. This was it, there was no getting away from this thing, it began opening its mouth, I braced for whatever was about to happen, then my dog came in the room and barked. He could sense it perhaps. I'm writing this to tell you I don't have that much time. This incident was 2 days ago, and my dog was found dead this morning. I can't stop this thing, and no one believes me, I tried to my mom but she thinks it's just lack of sleep. I've also tried talking to Kaycee but she is in a different state seeing family. I don't know what to do. What ever you do, don't ever wander off into a cemetery, you got that, I got this god damned thing after me, and I don't know what's gonna happen to me. I haven't slept since the incident, and I'm extremely sad my dog died. I've buried him in my backyard. Perhaps I will meet the same fate as him. I'm growing really tired now, and I can hear that raspy breathing behind me...

Well this was my shot at a scary story let me know if you guys liked it, this is based on true events such as sleep paralysis that gave me horrible nightmares while in Paris. But I had a great time, if you enjoyed it, let me know, thanks.

Posted by u/zxchxyr

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