The White Violin

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We ran all the way to Icarus Theater and busted through the doors. We sprinted upstairs to the concert hall, Diego released my hand as we hit the landing, all of us catching our breath. As we headed for the door, Allison stopped us.

I Need To Go Alone

She showed her notepad to us. Luther sighed. The sounds of faint strings could be heard from within the walls of the hall.

"Allison, I can't let you do that alright? She's beyond reasoning." Luther pleaded sternly.

"You hear the music?" Diego questioned rapidly. "It started!" He confirmed as Allison pushed Luther back a little.

"Do you honestly think she's gonna listen?" Luther continued, ignoring Diego. "After everything that's happened?" Allison stared Luther down.

"We don't have time for this," Klaus muttered beside me. I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"Kill them." The voice in my head whispered. I ignored it and watched as something flickered in Luther's eyes.

"Okay." He gave in, reluctantly. Allison softened a little and looked between us before running into the hall. I let out a breathy scoff.

"You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?" I asked Luther as I kept my eyes trained on the direction Allison went.

"It'll be our best chance to incapacitate Vanya," Luther replied immediately.

"Incapacitate?" I breathed out as I turned to look at my brothers. "Are you kidding me?" Luther looked at me tiredly.

"Onyx, we really don't have time for this shit." He muttered with a roll of his eyes.

"Slap him." The voice encouraged and for some odd reason, I listened. I slapped Luther directly across his face. Diego and Klaus exchanged a surprised look as Luther placed his hand on the cheek I slapped.

"Just because you hate me does not mean you can dismiss every god damn thing I say!" I seethed. "Vanya is our sister. I'm fine if we try and get her under control but under no confines will I be forced to hurt one of my siblings more than they already are!" I bellowed. A knowing spark flickered in Luther's eyes. He breathed for a second then nodded.

"Fine," He agreed as all of us climbed the stairs. "We won't try to hurt her." I let out a small sigh of relief.

"So what's the plan?" Klaus asked from behind us. Luther stopped for a second as I stood with Diego, slipping one of his knives from his belt into my sleeve.

"Uh, you wait out front," Luther answered Klaus.

"What?" Klaus asked, hurt seeping into his voice.

"Yeah, you're the lookout." Luther continued as he climbed the rest of the steps with Diego. I stayed put.

"The lookout?" Klaus asked exasperatedly. My other brothers entered the hall as I went down to Klaus, who had a sad expression on his face. I kissed his cheek and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, Klaus," I muttered into his chest. "Just wait here and run in if you see anything suspicious," I said as we pulled away. Klaus was still frowning. I cracked a smirk. "Or, ya' know, play catch with Ben again." Klaus looked at me with huge eyes.

"You believe me?" He whispered.

"You'd never lie about Ben," I replied. Klaus smiled and ruffled my hair before we parted ways. I looked over my shoulder at him one final time before heading into the music hall. From the door at the back, I could see the whole dimly lit theater. I scanned the theater as I listened to Vanya play her violin.

OɹǝZ ɹǝqɯnN (An Umbrella Academy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now