The Beginning Of The End

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Diego pulled the car to a stop outside of Harold's house once again. A wave of deja vu hit me as I stepped out with my brothers, all of us silent as we trudged up to the porch. As we stopped, Diego inspected the door.

"This time, don't jump through the fucking thing. Try the handle first." I instructed. Diego shot me a sarcastic look but listened. He turned the knob and the door creaked open in protest. All four of us stepped inside, the atmosphere was severely different from the last time I was in there. It felt heavier, more sinister. The boys headed for the stairs first, but I stopped them as I looked at the mess around the kitchen doorway. "Guys, look," I muttered as I went into the living room and froze at the sight before me. My brothers followed me and stepped closer to the scene.

Harold's body was laying on a broken kitchen table, several knives protruded from his torso and he had a patch over his right eye. I cringed as I took a whiff of the room, decay, and metal filling my nostrils.

"This isn't exactly what I was expecting," Klaus uttered as he observed the body.

"That's the understatement of the year." Five replied. I looked around the house, hearing no sounds other than the four of us.

"Vanya's not here." I sighed. Klaus and Diego exchanged a glance before turning toward me.

"Let's get out of here before the cops come," Diego said as Klaus began to follow him out of the kitchen. Five stayed put.

"Hang on a minute." Five replied as he stepped toward Harold's body. The three of us let out a collective sigh. Five suddenly bent forward and peeled the patch off of Harold's face.

"Come on, Five, what are you-" Diego muttered disgusted as I scrunched up my nose. I watched Five take the eye out of his pocket and place it in the socket of Harold's face.

"Ugh, wow." Klaus swallowed in disgust, gagging.

"Same eye color, same pupil size." Five muttered to himself, turning to us. "Guys, this is it. The eye I've been carrying around for decades, it- it's found its rightful home." Five explained triumphantly. All of us stepped forward as Five took the eye back out.

"We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse," Diego muttered in disbelief.

"Yay! Let's go!" Klaus cheered, turning away. I stopped him and pushed him back a little.

"Hang on a second, it can't be this easy," I stated. Five stood up, nodding.

"She's right. Look, this is the note that I got from the Commission. The one that says, 'Protect Harold Jenkins', aka Leonard Peabody." Five said as we crowded around him and stared at the note.

"Yeah?" Diego asked, not following. I sighed.

"Diego, if we were meant to come to kill him to stop the apocalypse, how the hell is he dead already?" I asked him. Diego froze and realized what we meant.

"Exactly. Who killed him?" Five asked. "Who did this?"

"I have a crazy idea." Klaus chimed in. We turned to him, skeptically. "Why don't we find Vanya and ask her what happened?" He questioned as Five apparated away.

"Guys, Five left," I said angrily. Diego looked around.

"Shit." He mumbled annoyedly. I turned back to Klaus.

"You have a point, Klaus. If Vanya got away from this asshole, she might be headed back to the Academy." I stated. Klaus and Diego looked at me and nodded.

"Alright, let's go then," Diego concluded as we headed for the door. As we exited the house, I fell back behind my brothers. I could feel the weight of guilt and worry closing in on me. I guess Klaus noticed because he fell back too as we crossed the lawn of a dead man.

OɹǝZ ɹǝqɯnN (An Umbrella Academy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now