Chapter 16

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Loki's lips parted as if to say something, but his expression explained how he was feeling.


Thor wasn't surprised. The idea of having to destroy their own home weighed a heavy price on him. Though, Asgard wasn't a place. It was a people.

"D-Destroy Asgard? We can't destroy our home!" Loki exclaimed, seeming to try desperately to get his oldest brother to change his mind. Perhaps to use a non-destroying their home type of plan.

"It's the only way. If we do not evacuate our people, Hela and those creatures will take over Asgard and take them prisoner. The longer Hela remains on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. You must understand brother, that we have no other choice," Thor explained solemnly.

Loki's expression softened as he seemed to realize what was currently at stake. The circumstances were critical and he understood that Asgard was lost, no matter what.

"Asgard is not a place, brother. It is the people," Thor gave a slight smile.

Loki sighed heavily, "How do we even destroy Asgard?"

Thor lowered his head. He hated to reside in one of the plans he didn't want to, but he knew it was the last chance Asgard had. "We have to cause Ragnorok. Surtur's crown, the vault. It's the only way."

Loki's breath seemed to shake, but under all the nervousness in the situation, he understood.

"Bold move, brother. Even for me.." with that, Loki took off toward the palace of Asgard.

Heimdall seemed to already understand, leading the people of Asgard toward the Bifrost. When he arrived, he placed his hand on Thor's shoulder. "It's nice to see you and your brother are alive."

Thor nodded. "I really hate to destroy Asgard to end this..."

Heimdall gave him a small smile, "Asgard is not a place. It is the people."

The God of Thunder curtly nodded in agreement.

"Get them to the Bifrost and evacuate, head to Earth, I'll ensure Hela or none of those creatures come," Thor said, his eyes narrowed.

Heimdall seemed to hesitate before finally nodding. "Come, everyone!" He yelled as he began walking toward the machine that would take them to Earth, and save them.

Thor turned back around, seeing the sickening look of the familiar black creatures' face in front of him, though he heaved and turned away. His body lit up in lightning as he threw a somewhat hesitant punch at one of them, sending lightning strikes down on the other 6 that were there too.

Some fell to the ground in defeat, others still stood.

Lightning continued to rain down on the creatures', which began to multiply unexpectedly, but they seemed to suddenly back away and stop as Hela landed in front of Thor, swords at the ready.

"I see you can survive them, but you are unable to defeat me, brother," Hela spat, her frown curving into a grin.

At that, Loki had come up behind Hela and tackled her to the ground, but only to get thrown off and land beside Thor.

"Well, you are correct on one thing. We are unable to defeat you. But I believe we know someone who can," Loki grinned mischievously as he climbed to his knees. Hela turned her attention to the palace of Asgard, which was pretty much blown apart as Surtur emerged from it, fire ravaging anything close by as he took out his massive sword.

"No..." She muttered.

Thor's fist erupted in lightning as he threw a punch into the back of her head, sending her to the ground as both he and his brother made their way to the Bifrost swiftly, where Heimdall was awaiting them. The people of Asgard had already fled, as proven by the emptiness.

"Hurry! We don't have much time!" Heimdall yelled to them as he twisted the sword into its place, and stood with the two brothers as they were brought down to the familiar open field their father had passed away in. They were surrounded by seemingly traumatized and upset families. Mothers calmed their young ones, fathers calmed their wives, children calming their younger siblings.

Back up at Asgard, Hela's futile attempts at killing Surtur were failing. Everything was covered in raging flames as Hela threw large spikes at the large beast, proving abortive.

"I AM ASGARD'S DOOM!" the large monster yelled as he swung his sword high in the air, ready to plunge it into the depths of Asgard. In realization she was about to be defeated, Hela's eyes widened dramatically, and the sword slammed into the ground of Asgard, which led to a devastating and destructive explosion that completely obliterated the realm.

Back on Earth, Thor had fallen to his knees, unable to believe what had just occurred. The events were overwhelming and made him sick.

Loki had placed a comforting hand on his older brother's shoulder. "It will be alright, Brother."

Thor took in a shaking breath, nodding as he felt Heimdall's hand on his shoulder next. "You made the right call."

Thor stood up, "It didn't seem like the right call....Causing the obliteration of an entire realm.." 

Heimdall slightly chuckled, "You saved us from extinction."

Thor only nodded in response as the 3 of them faced the crowd before them.


About a year has passed, and now, instead of an empty field, it was spacious. Houses filled the once-empty clearing, a dock extending into the ocean. Thor had gained the title as King, and much to his surprise, Loki didn't seem to mind he was still a prince.

Both brothers stood at the edge of the dock. Thor was looking out into the sun, which was beginning to set below the perfectly clear horizon, causing a beautiful orange hue to emit from it.

Loki pat Thor's shoulder. "You did well, King," He said, exaggerating the title.

Thor laughed, elbowing his younger brother, who gave off a wide grin in reply. "You do not need to address me as such, Prince," Thor did the same to his younger brother, who only scoffed.

Loki grinned as both brothers faced the sunset. "You know, you really have changed," Thor admitted as he turned his head to look at his brother.

"Proved your wrong, did I? I still remember when you electrocuted me," Loki replied.

Thor chuckled, shaking his head. "I still remember the time you disguised yourself as a shake, knowing I loved snakes, and then ended up stabbing me."

"That was one time!"

Both brothers laughed.

Thor seemed to calm, turning back towards the orange-glimmer reflecting across the ocean's sleek surface. 

"You know, I think everything's going to work out fine."

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