Chapter 11

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Thor had landed somewhere of unfamiliarity to him. It did not even appear he was on Earth anymore. The ground was stained with a gravel-like texture, and little rocks littered the ground.

He found he did not possess his hammer either and threw his hand out to summon it. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Mjolnir did not return to his hand, which only lead to the conclusion something had blocked off his powers. 

Thor glanced around the unfamiliar planet's terrain, noticing sharp, jagged rocks that were larger than him. There were also some large hills and a mountain visible in the distance. He didn't see his brother anywhere but did here an unfamiliar, gruff voice echo out to him.

"Hello, God of Thunder..." The voice rasped. 

Thor turned, looking for the source of the voice until he spotted a dark shadow seeming to loom over his own. As it got closer, it was revealed it was some creature with a cloak over its head. It held a staff in its right hand as well with a faint, blue, glowing gem-like object at the top.

"Who are you, and why did you bring me here?" Thor inquired.

The figure stepped into a slight shade of sunlight, and he could see the scars ravaging the creature's chin. From Thor's point of view, it definitely didn't look human.

It chuckled slightly, pulling in a deep breath of air before speaking. "You shall know, in time.."

The figure stepped closer to him, seeming to stare him in the eyes with a piercing glare. "I have a job for you..."

Thor chuckled, shaking his head. "Take me back to Earth, I must see my brother. I have no purpose serving you."

"Perhaps if I show you, instead of telling, why you should accept my gracious offer..." the figure said with a somewhat dark, but somehow promising tone. Before he could react, Thor felt a weird sensation as the staff made contact with his head, and he was seemingly dragged into his mind.

There stood his father, in front of his throne. This seemed to be years ago, as he saw Loki being lead by guards toward Odin. Once he stopped, he chuckled. "What seems to be the matter, your majesty?" Loki asked with a mischevious smile, clearly speaking sarcasm.

"You attempted to rule a race that did not need ruling. You are foolish to think nothing to be wrong, Loki," Odin replied, his look stern. He was not soft when it comes to punishments, even with his own sons.

With that, the memory seemed to switch to even earlier, when he was fighting Loki at the Bifrost, in Loki's pitiful attempt of destroying the Frost Giants, as he once tried to do. 

"This is madness!" Thor had yelled. 

Loki's tone of voice lowered to a dark tone. "Is it madness? IS IT?"

Thor stayed silent, "I'll be proving to Odin that I am the rightful heir of the throne!" Loki exclaimed.

"You can't destroy an entire race!" Thor had yelled in reply.

Loki seemed to scoff, his frown turning into a sneer. "Tell me, THOR. Did that girl make you soft? DID SHE?"

Thor once again remained silent, causing Loki to laugh, "Oh, OF COURSE, SHE DID. After this, I might pay her a little visit!"

With that, both brothers lunged at each other, Thor slammed his hammer into the staff Loki had in his possession. They fought for what seemed like a while, and his memory shifted to him slamming his hammer into the rainbow bridge repeatedly, while Loki had sat up and looked at him in pure shock.

"Wha-What are you doing?! IF YOU DESTROY THE BRIDGE YOU'LL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN!" Loki yelled.

"Forgive me, Jade.." Thor apologized as he slammed the hammer into the bridge for the crushing blow, and a huge wave rose up as the bridge collapsed.

He was pulled back into reality, his breath hitched.

"Is this about my brother?" Thor asked.

The figure merely chuckled, shaking its head. "What I require you to steal a powerful weapon, to destroy a certain city..."

Thor's eyes widened at the offer. "I shall never do such a horrid thing!"

"'re brother, Loki, wanted to steal the throne from you...You deserve the rightful place as King of Asgard...He is nothing but a Frost Giant. He has betrayed you over and over and over again, no matter how you have trusted him. He had faked his death twice, and recently a third," the creature reasoned, placing the staff into Thor's hand.

He instantly felt something take over him. What the creature said felt...right? How can that be right? 

The stone, which ended up being one of the infinity stones, the mind stone, had only fueled the hatred he had hidden and kept away deep down inside him for his brother. 

The creature approached Thor and whispered in his ear while Thor remained unmoving. "If you fail...there will be no crevice nor realm I cannot find you."

Thor wanted to gulp, to swallow in nervousness and instantly disagree and take himself back to Earth, but he couldn't. His mind was overtaken. There was nothing he could do, he couldn't fight it, which was unlike him. His brother was just a poisonous rat infecting everyone with his tricks.

Did he just think that?

"You have my word, that I shall not fail you."

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