Chapter 13

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Hela began to walk toward the two brothers, who had stiffened at Hela's sudden appearance, which wasn't thoroughly surprising.

Thor was the first to act. He pulled Mjolnir from his side and held it high in the air, the thunder rolling in.

Loki fixated his gaze on his brother, who had swung his hammer at incoming swords flying at him, easily deflecting them onto the cold bridge below them. Thor faced Hela once more, watching the slight curve of her lips increase into a grin. 

Much to Loki's surprise, his brother had charged at Hela, who had begun to run at him in return.

Hela swung the two swords while Thor swung his hammer, crashing into her swords and creating a large blast that sent both of them onto their backs on the cold ground.

Loki finally, after a few minutes of standing and glaring, decided to intervene, using his sorcery magic to assist his brother in fighting Hela. Thor threw his hammer behind Hela, who remained unbeknownst to it flying back toward her head.

At the last second, she had spun around and grabbed the hammer, easily crushing it into pieces.

The destruction of the hammer was no doubt true this time, and it had caused an irregular pressure to build up in Thor's chest. A gasp escaped his lips as he fell onto his knee, gaining the attention of his younger brother, who had thrown one of his daggers uselessly at their sister, who remained unaffected by the move.

He knelt down next to Thor to assist him. "Brother, are you alright?"

Thor's pained gaze drifted up to meet his brother's emerald-green eyes staring back at him. "I'm okay.." He breathed as he accepted Loki's hand to pull him to his feet. Both brothers barely missed a sword that had been launched at them by no other than the Goddess of Death, which seemed to be a fitting title saying she wanted them dead so much.

"Face it, brothers, you are merely weak compared to my growing strength," Hela said with a smirk across her face.

Thor inhaled deeply, seeming to concentrate. "We may not be able to defeat you, but your reign may not last, we will not allow it."

"You fools, you are beyond knowing what you getting yourselves into, your father would be very upset, like the fool he was for locking me away," Hela growled in reply.

With this, Thor's body began to spark in lightning, his eyes glowing a blue hue. Hela was confused as she looked up toward the dark clouds rolling in above her. Then, the loudest and largest lightning strike in the history of lightning crashed down on her, sending her through the bridge.

With that, both brothers began running toward the large palace of Asgard. That was, until Hela reappeared again, this time in front of Thor, and swiped a sword across his eye, causing him to yell in pain, lurching to a stop to put his hand over it.

Loki glanced toward Thor, but his glare soon adjusted to Hela. He could feel the anger starting to rise from the back of his throat.

Loki looked down at his hand, his eyes going wide as he realized it had begun to turn blue. Hela had unfortunately noticed, and her look was not one of fear or rage, it was one of unusual amusement.

"So, you're a Frost Giant? Apparently, Odin couldn't help but bring a monster into his family.." Hela muttered.

Thor stepped up to defend his brother.

"I'm glad he ended up in my family. He's not as any different than any of us and Father would definitely agree," Thor said, his 1 remaining eye narrowed, blood spilled over his missing one.

He noticed Hela's eyebrows raise. "Oh, really? You enjoy having a Frost Giant being even a Prince of Asgard? One as your adoptive BROTHER? Especially one who had betrayed you over and over despite how many times you trusted him."

Once she had said that, he had charged forward, his powers lighting up and seeming to glisten brightly throughout the darkness surrounding Asgard from Hela's time here.

Loki had stood there, clutching his blue hand as he watched his brother throw his fist back, and then throw it forward into a surprised Hela's face.

He couldn't count how many lightning bolts had slammed down from the sky into the Goddess of Death's body, but when all the dust had cleared, Loki's eyes had widened at Hela's grip on his brother's throat.

"You realize, I draw my strength from Asgard, and it has made me more powerful than you and YOUR BROTHER," Hela smirked.

Thor was growing relatively weaker, struggling to move his hands to his throat which Hela had a tight grip of.

Loki was in fear of losing his brother, so, accepting his Frost Giant side, he let his face go blue and his eyes turn into a ravaging red. He strode up to Hela, who had turned to glare at Loki in complete shock as ice formed over her hand, causing her to lose her grip on Thor.

Hela was soon encased in ice, and Loki's skin faded back to its original tan color.

Thor was on the ground, clutching at his neck in danger of hurting himself again.

Loki knelt down next to his brother and pulled his hands away. "Refrain from hurting yourself, brother."

Thor took in a shaky breath and nodded. He stood, looking at Hela's panicked expression through the ice. "Impressive, Loki," Thor commented with impression etched in his tone, and his features as well.

"Thank you, Thor," Loki replied as he gave his brother a slight smile.

Thor's smile seemed to dim, causing Loki's eyebrows to lower in confusion.

"This isn't the end of this," Thor finally said just as a crack had formed in the ice.

Loki and him spun around to face the ice, which was now cracking dramatically. Soon, it had shattered, the jagged ice falling onto the ground. Hela smirked.

"You can't stop me with just a little ice, Frost Giant."

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