Chapter 8

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Thor had been knelt beside his younger brother's body for who knows how long. He had lost track of time, but to him, it didn't really matter. He was in dismay, knowing he'd have to leave his brother's body in order to return to Asgard, and he had to remain strong, for his brother.

He wiped some stray tears rolling down his pale face, gently taking his brother's deathly cold hand in his. "I'll remain strong for you, brother."

With that, he gently laid his brother's hand over his chest, before getting to his feet.

Looking back multiple times, he began the long walk through the forest, alone. He couldn't shake the awful feeling. His brother had been nearly dead before, though saved when his magic had healed them after Thor and Jane had thought him dead.

Turning back around for the last time, he thought he saw a glimmer of green magic, but it merely appeared for about a split-second before disappearing into the atmosphere.

Thor turned back, thinking nothing much of it. A fog that had been limiting his view was just beginning to clear, and up ahead he spotted a seemingly dug-up road, and then a sign that was off-place.

The sign read, 'Tamworth' though he had never heard of such a place before. He followed the arrows putting to his right before coming across a clearing. The echoes of chatter filled the air, giving him a glimmer of hope that things would be alright after all, but to him, not having his mischevious brother around would leave an empty feeling in his heart.

As he entered the clearing, he saw a magnificent sight. It was like a beautiful town hidden away deep within a dark, clouded forest. The building's structures were absolutely stunning. 

A beautiful hue of colors met his gaze as he continued to look around, not able to help a grin spread across his face. 

Ahead of him was a marble pathway leading into the town lined with brick houses and even a large castle visible far in the distance. The town was impressively large.

He stepped onto the pathway, feeling an awful sense of familiarity. 

Thor knew he had never stepped foot in this town before unless memories of it were lost, scrambled deep inside his complex mind.

The chatter of what seemed like happiness and excitement suddenly seemed to turn to anger, enviousness, and bitterness.

Thor was taken off-guard by the sudden feeling of overwhelmedness.

 He heard a sweet, small voice of a child nearing him, and he found himself looking down at a small, frail-looking child. Though, despite her troubling features, her face was plastered with a happy and hopeful expression.

"Hi! Are you new here?" She asked, glancing up at the tall, muscular man before her.

"Yes, indeed I am. I have just wandered upon your town." Thor replied.

He saw an even wider grin spread across the girl's face. "Wait here!"

Thor stiffly nodded as he took in the amazing features of this somewhat small town, surrounded by many trees in this large forest.

He stood there awkwardly until he noticed the same girl, holding a larger woman's hand. Her complexion was a bit pale as well as the child's, but nothing too serious.

"Hello!" She greeted. "I see you've met my daughter, Asmay!" 

Thor forced an awkward smile, "That's a nice name," He complimented, earning a smile from both Asmay and her mother.

"Come, we shall show you around." the mother said, and Thor obeyed, following close behind them with a somewhat wide stride.

The building's consisted of complex and rare material, and the town was equipt with innovative and advanced technology, which is unusual for people of Earth.

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