Chapter 1

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A loud crash rang throughout Asgard, the rainbow bridge was beginning to give way after an ongoing attack with brothers Loki and Thor still on it. 

"What's going on?!" Thor yelled throughout the loud noises caused by the collapse of the bridge, he knew they had no time to escape.

Heimdall, from further down the bridge, was the first to reply. "IT IS GIVING WAY!" 

Thor and Loki looked at each other, both brothers having an expression of panic and unsureness. If they fell, who knows where they'd end up. Thor knew a planet they would end up on though, Earth. He could feel it within, the feeling lingered in the air around them, though Loki seemed to not be aware of where they would end up.

The brothers both yelled in surprise when they felt the bridge collapse from underneath them and found themselves falling into the black abyss and vastness of space. Thor let himself slip into unconsciousness. 

Loki was the first to awaken. He felt the familiar roughness of terrain below him. The pain was coursing throughout his body as he got himself into a sitting position. Looking around, he noticed the tall trees surrounding them, the long branches and leaves blocked out the sun, making the forest quite dim.

Loki quickly got to his feet despite his body protesting in the process, but eventually, the soreness subsided. Upon thinking about his brother, he instantly looked around the forest and spotted Thor on his back, clearly still unconscious. He had a cut along his forehead and bruises along his arm. 

Loki rushed to his brother's side, dropping onto his knees beside him. 

"Brother?" Loki asked, his voice tainted with concern.

It took a couple of seconds before he heard the familiar groan of his brother, looking to see Thor's eyes flutter open, instantly drifting around before locking onto Loki. 

"Loki?" Thor asked, pulling himself into a sitting position. "What happened?"

A sigh escaped from Loki's mouth. "Bifrost seemed to give way, apparently we've landed on Earth."

Thor's eyes widened, the memories coursing back through his brain again. He remembered the yell of Heimdall, warning them of the unstable condition of the bridge. The loud noises of panic and shock rang throughout his mind.

Shaking his head, Thor got to his feet, followed by his brother. 

"Yes, I suppose I remember now.." Thor said, looking around at the large trees seeming to stare at them, he shivered at the creepiness and strange atmosphere of the forest. Grabbing Mjolnir, his trustworthy hammer, Thor finally spoke again after a few moments of awkward silence.

"We should get going, perhaps we can find somebody or some way to get back to Asgard."

Loki curtly nodded in agreement, following his brother through the thick forest.

They have now been traveling for about 2 hours, the darkness of the forest was now unignorable, and they had to find some sort of shelter soon. The leaves keeping the sun's rays from entering the forest caused it to become darker much faster.

"Brother, I believe we should find shelter. It is quite dark, and unmistakably there could be animals lurking in this forest," Loki said.

Thor nodded, pausing for a moment and swiftly looking around the forest for anywhere they could stop and rest for the night. Though, that night something would go horribly wrong.

"We can just sit down against that tree over there," Thor suggested as he pointed toward a large tree about 20 feet away.

"Really brother? A tree?" Loki asked, rolling his eyes.

"Do you have a better spot?" Thor asked in a remark.

"No," was Loki's reply, making Thor laugh.

"It's settled then."

Both brothers heading over and sat down against the trunk of the fairly tall tree, vines hung down from some of the branches.

It was silent for quite a while, Thor not having much to say, so an awkward silence filled the seemingly dense atmosphere around them.

"Sooo..." Loki started, purposely extending the word.

It was still silent.

Thor was sat up against the trunk of the tree, glaring forward. He was having a hallucination.

The Allfather, Loki and his's father, Odin, was standing in front of him, saying how a horrible person he was and how he wasn't fit to be king and how it was his fault his mother, Frigga, was dead.

In reality, Thor was muttering inaudible words, causing Loki to watch his brother in confusion, and some of the words that were audible made Loki's expression turn to worry. At first, he only thought his brother was upset about what happened to the Bifrost, but as the apparent hallucination seemed to lengthen, Loki understood.

He moved closer to his distressed brother, squeezing Thor's shoulder. "Brother!" He said loudly to get his attention. He had to say it a couple more times before he finally got his brother's attention.

Thor's gaze drifted to Loki, seemingly taken aback by the concern on his face. "Is something wrong, Brother?" Loki asked him.

Thor was silent, turning his gaze away from his brother without saying anything. 

Loki continued to stare at Thor, knowing something was definitely wrong, but he was hiding it, though not very well because it was clearly obvious by the way he was acting just moments ago.

"Maybe some sleep will help?" Loki suggested, earning a stiff nod from Thor in return.

Both leaned against the tree, and Thor was the first to fall asleep, which wasn't surprising. Loki fell asleep soon after.

Loki just hoped his brother was alright.

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