Chapter 6

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Everything was a slight blur when Thor had awoken, he was unsure of what happened, and his whole body felt awfully sore.

He heard a muffled voice talking above him, and after a few moments, it finally became familiar.

"Brother, are you alright?" Loki's familiar voice finally clear to Thor.

Thor groaned, Loki helping him into a sitting position. "I am fine, brother. What has happened?"

Loki's lips curled into a bit of a frown, "Well-" He began, but was interrupted by an all-too-familiar voice.

"You realize, despite everything, I am clearly stronger than you," the Goddess of Death said with amusement etched into her voice, as usual. It was all a familiarity.

Thor growled, "Did we not get rid of her?"

"Apparently not," was his brother's reply as he grabbed Thor's arm and pulled him to his feet.

Both brothers faced the goddess.

Loki leaned in closer, whispering in his brother's ear. "I think we should go."

Thor chuckled quietly, "I am not fleeing from such a battle."

"Thor, think. She's much stronger than us."

Thor elbowed his brother slightly, "Know your place brother."

Loki flinched.

Thor's ignorance and arrogance were beginning to show again, and though Odin was not here to banish him, his brother knew well of what this would lead to.

"Your arrogance will get you nowhere, fool..," Hela chuckled. "You have yet to become a man."

Loki knew half of what Hela said was right, Thor's arrogance would get him nowhere.

Loki's frown turned into a sneer. "Is that all you have to say, thor? 'Know your place?' All I ever wanted was to be your equal, and I thought I was.." Loki sneered, his tone had turned dark.

Thor, realizing what he had said earlier, turned to his brother, who was glaring at him in hatred. Hela decided to watch the two brothers in amusement.

"Brother, you know I did not mean-"

Loki growled, "You arrogant fool! You're becoming like Father!"

"Arrogant? That was a long time ago, Brother!"

"I'M NOT YOUR BROTHER!" Loki yelled.

Thor's eyes narrowed, as he knew what was probably going to happen.

"I never was.." Loki finished, secretly pulling out his dagger.

Though, Thor never realized this, thus feeling pain when his brother thrust it into his abdomen. He instantly yelled out in pain and summoned his hammer, thunder booming in the distance.

He swung his hammer, but Loki rolled out of the way, using his magic to make lots of clones of him surrounding his brother.

"ENOUGH!" Thor yelled. Instantaneously, a large blast of lightning struck the ground hard, exposing the real Loki, who went flying back into the ground.

Hela chuckled from behind them, "Entertaining. Now, if you excuse me, I must go take over Asgard." A portal appeared and the goddess disappeared, Thor running toward it. "NO!"

He dropped to his knees, his gaze drifting to the ground as Mjolnir rested beside him.

Loki groaned from behind him as he moved himself into a sitting position. The blow from the lightning had temporarily stunned him.

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