Chapter 9

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Thor awoke with pain stinging his body. He carefully moved into a sitting position, giving out a low grunt of strength as he threw bricks off of him. 

What had happened...

He had his answer when he looked up, seeing the utter destruction caused by whatever had been here. Night had fallen upon the seemingly small kingdom, and it was nearly pitch black. He looked around the destroyed throne room, spotting a few guards' bodies lying lifeless underneath the rubble. 

Thor pushed himself to his feet. Usually, he would expect to hear screaming, panic, people running in pure fear, but all he heard was silence. The deathly silence. 

He turned in circles before finally coming face to face with the empty throne. More rubble. Bricks were scattered everywhere throughout the decently large room, the large gap in the wall revealing the outside world.

Taking in a deep, shaky breath, he slowly scanned the room for any signs of life. Much to his shock, he had spotted some blood-stained bricks, and then his gaze landed on the familiar body of the king. Like the guards, he was also laying lifeless.

He rushed over, pulling the bricks off of the King as he turned him onto his back.

Placing 2 fingers on his neck, he felt for a pulse. His breathing hitched when he realized there wasn't one.

He placed his ear to the man's chest, but heard no heartbeat, neither did he see the familiar rising and falling.

Though, as he looked, he hadn't noticed Asmay or Marion anywhere in sight.

He had thought about yelling but quickly threw the idea out of his head as he did not want to risk revealing his location to anyone who was still here that was as of threatening.

Hesitantly, the prince headed out into the main yard-like area of the castle, where once again he saw utter destruction.

Anything wood was in flames, bodies of innocent citizens littering the ground. It was like something out of a nightmare or a horror movie. It was a struggle to keep looking. The walls had been smashed down, debris everywhere, blood staining the concrete ground.

He shivered.

Thor swiftly made his way out of the castle, making his way to the edge of the hill where he could look upon the whole town.

It was even more horrible.

He saw lots of figures with dark masks and white robe-like clothing marching the streets. Houses were on fire, and the too-familiar sight of bodies lying on the ground were seen once more.

Hands shaking, Thor lifted Mjolnir from his belt, the roar of thunder and the bright flashes of lightning nearing the town quickly. The strange creatures, thus they did not look human, seemed to spot him atop the hill. Before he had a change to react, they all pulled out spear-like weapons and began to charge at him. Not a single one left behind.

He couldn't count how many there were. Though, his estimated guess was about at least 60. 

Lightning lit up the skies, and a large bolt struck the ground where the masked-creatures were running to. He watched as those in close proximity to the hammer were thrown into the air and flung elsewhere.

Thor grinned. He remembered the feeling of fighting, feeling the power coursing through his veins. As he had said in his past, he was one with the storm. 

He gave off a slight chuckle as the rest of the group on their feet swung at him, but he once again spun his hammer around and flew up into the air, feeling the lightning course through his muscular body. 

The largest lightning bolt he could muster slammed into the ground, leaving a 5-foot deep hole, and also leaving multiple bodies of the figures lying on the cold ground.

The sight had become too familiar...

He felt a sudden pain in his abdomen, feeling himself come into contact with the rough terrain. He grunted, rolling onto his side.

Looking up, he noticed an even bigger group standing before him. They all began laughing madly.

Regretfully, he knew that even with his powers, he could eventually succumb to these creatures, thus he took off once more into the dark forest, though he heard the familiar roar of the footsteps in pursuit behind him, and quickly catching up.

Thor wasn't one to run from battles, as he thought it cowardly to do such. Though that was a time when arrogance had overcome him.

Though, he had got lost in his thoughts because soon he found himself grimacing over a wound from a stick getting jabbed through his arm. 100% his fault.

He had tripped over a tree root, and his arm made a crushing blow into a jagged stick stuck sturdily into the dirt.

"Damn it.." He muttered to himself, silently cursing his stupidity. 

The footsteps were about a couple feet behind him, and he felt someone throw him onto his back so he was looking up at the piercing eyes of the creatures staring back at him.

They raised their weapons, and Thor prepared himself for the crushing blow. The final blow. One which would end his life, his suffering, his uselessness... He closed his eyes tightly.

But it never came.

Instead, he heard the sounds of multiple bodies hitting the cold, hard ground.

When he had looked back up again, his eyes widened at the sight of all the creatures once ready to make him die a gruesome death, on the ground lifeless.

Then, he spotted the all-too-familiar colors of green, black, and gold armor.

It couldn't be.

He was dead.

The figure turned around to face him, and Thor instantly recognized the mischevious smirk.

His voice came out as a low whisper, one of which could barely be heard, but the figure had heard him.


His breathing hitched as he felt the immense pain radiate from his bloodied arm. The jagged stick was still impaled in his arm.

His brother walked toward him. "Of course you always get yourself into trouble, you big oaf.." His brother said.

Loki was now standing over his older brother, who had the strength to pull the jagged stick from his arm, revealing a decently sized hole. Loki chuckled slightly, shaking his head. "How did you do that?"

Thor sighed, "Stupidity. Tripped over a tree root while I was running from those things."

Loki's expression turned to surprise. "You actually fled a battle you knew you were incapable of winning. That is so unlike you, brother."

He helped his brother to his feet, and quickly healed Thor's arm as well.

Thor just stared at Loki, "I can't believe your alive! I saw you die!"

Loki's grin slowly curved into a frown, remembering that day. It was the only memory permanently tattooed in his head. "Well, I didn't actually die."

Thor crossed his arms. "Explanation."

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