Chapter 12

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Loki had been wandering through the forest in search of his brother for what seemed like ages, but it had only been a couple of hours.

He wasn't aware of what had happened to Thor, or where he even was, though he definitely wasn't aware of what was about to happen. The darkness began to settle in, and through the faint shade of light coating the forest, he spotted a shadow somewhat far ahead of him.

At first, it was unrecognizable, as it was merely a shadow. He did not see it to be his brother because of the staff the particular shadow was holding. Though, Loki could make out the faint blue glow reflecting through the forest.

Loki slowly walked forward in caution, in hopes that it was his brother, but he couldn't be sure.

He stopped when he could clearly see the familiar armor the figure was wearing. Recognition instantly came across his face as he saw who it was.

"Brother! What had happened?" Loki asked though he was also confused about why Thor had a staff with him. He had Mjolnir. 

Thor turned slowly turned him, painfully slowly...too slowly. Loki took a step backward in precaution. Something was off, but he couldn't quite grasp it. He then knew what had probably happened when he saw the original, familiar color of Thor's eyes drain, and they became a different one.

Lightning sparked throughout his brother's body. "Brother?"

No recognition flashed across his brother's face, and he had known what he had gone through based on his own experiences with the Chitauri years ago. He was horrified that they had made his brother go through the same, if not similar, torture he had gone through.

Thor remained silent, a grin spreading across his face. It was so wrong knowing Thor's personality. He wasn't at all mischevious like Loki was.

Thor pointed the staff at Loki, and he knew what was instantly about to happen,

He used his magic to create a sort of portal that the blast went through before the portal had vanished into thin air. 

Loki found his brother running toward him. He had to rid his brother of that menacing mind stone embedded with the staff. "Brother, the mind stone has control of you. I know because I had once gone through the same thing, please brother. Listen and trust me for once in your life!" Loki exclaimed, trying frantically to get his brother to listen.

He thought he saw a flash of recognition flash across Thor's features, but it quickly turned back into rage and determination to do whatever he was instructed.

"Thor, what did they tell you to do? What did they say to you?" Loki asked, but it sounded more like a plea.

Thor looked at his brother before speaking. His tone sounded so awfully wrong...

"Told me the truth about who you really are, Loki."

He said his name like he was some sort of criminal that was wanted for torture. It made his heart just completely shatter, though he knew it was not at all his brother's doing.

Thor took out Mjolnir from his belt and swung it at the young prince. Missing, Thor snarled, which Loki had never heard him even do before.

Loki once again dodged out of the proximity of his brother's mighty hammer. He refused to fight him like Thor once did to him years back, though the memories never seemed to flee from his mind.

Thor finally spoke up once more. "Since there is nothing you may do to prevent the fate of New York, I shall make you watch the look of terror on all those faces."

Loki found himself on Stark Tower, his brother standing on the pad as he summoned lightning, using the most powerful blasts to injure innocents and damage buildings, along with start fires, though Loki decided to intervene. He could not watch his brother do the same thing he once did after falling victim to the mind-stone.

"Thor!" Loki yelled throughout all the panicked yelling and screaming, which brought back past memories of Loki's attempted rule here.

The eldest brother turned toward Loki, and he could see the pure pain and rage in his brother's discolored eyes. He could compare so much to how he had acted. At least they were out of the wretched forest.

He found himself face to face with his brother and decided to say some similar things Thor had said to him when he had unwillingly stabbed his brother in the abdomen. 

"Thor, look around you. This is madness! You'd never do this."

His brother seemed to obey, looking around at some of the fire raging some of the buildings, the cars crushed, listening to the wailing of ambulances and police vehicles, along with the screaming of the innocent citizens.

Much to Loki's surprise, Thor chuckled, "It is too late, the damage has already been done, and soon New York shall be reduced to ashes."

"Brother, you once told me when I was also not in my right mind, years ago, we could have stopped this. Together. I well over believe that now," Loki reasoned. "We can both undo this."

Loki noticed Thor drop the staff but instead raised Mjolnir. Loki, knowing what was coming, dodged out of the hammer's proximity, grabbing the staff and smashing the stone with his foot just as Thor came at him.

A large blast erupted from the staff, and Loki watched as the particular blast sent his brother off the edge of the tower, sending Mjolnir down to the ground as Thor latched on to the side of the building. He was incapable of summoning his hammer due to the fact he could fall himself if he unlatched one of his hands.

"Thor!" Loki yelled, rushing over and kneeling down on the platform, taking his brother's hands in his and pulling.

He noticed the utter hopelessness in his brother's eyes as well. "I'm sorry, brother..." Thor apologized, and Loki noticed the slight tear shed from his brother's eye.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Loki asked, his eyes furrowing in confusion.

Thor seemed to stare into his eyes, his gaze piercing. "Trust me," Thor suddenly said, much to Loki's confusion.

"I do trust you, but what are you planning?" Loki asked.

Thor let go of his hands, leaving Loki struggling to hold all of his brother's weight.

"Brother, this is a foolish plan. One mistake and you could die!" Loki exclaimed, now realizing what his brother was attempting to do.

Thor just continued glaring at him with a look of desperation and pleading. 

Loki, sighing heavily, let go and watched as his brother fell, so many feet, toward the hard terrain below. 

For a second, he thought he had just killed his brother, when he noticed Thor fly back up, hammer in hand, and land on the platform.

Loki half-laughed, shaking his head. "That was the stupidest plan ever, you oaf."

Thor chuckled slightly as well until he turned to look back down at the destruction he had caused. Honestly, not as bad as what Loki had done, but for him, he had sworn never to do such a thing.

Loki grasped his arm, "This is not your fault brother."

Thor swallowed hard and nodded. "Yea.." was all he said.

Loki gave him a side-smile, "Come on, we still need to return to Asgard,"

He saw Thor give him a confused, and then a stupid-looking look. "Heimdall can help us. We never needed the Bifrost."

Loki tilted his head in confusion. "What?"

Thor shook his head, suddenly letting out a laugh. "HEIMDALL!" Thor yelled up toward the sky, at first getting no response, until, much to Loki's shock, the familiar rainbow-colored beam crashed down on them, and they found themselves standing just inside the gate to Asgard.

Their smiles disappeared when they noticed the sudden darkness seeming to surround their home.

"Hela..." Thor whispered.

Loki noticed the long, tree-like helmet on Hela's head as she strode toward them, swords in hand.

"I see you two have survived. Took you long enough to get here."

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