"He's sleeping so be very quiet, okay baby?" He whispers, walking over to Taehyung and setting her down on the hospital bed.

Jin-Joo giggles and hugs him tightly, pouting since he wasn't awake.

"Is daddy otay?" She whispers, the almost three-year old noticing his leg and she tilts her head.

"Daddy's okay sweetie..Just an owie that will take a little bit to get better." He says and sits down, holding out her arms for her, which she climbs into.

Jungkook glances at the time and sighs softly, now it was almost 1 am.

"It is way past your bedtime Jinnie, you need to try to sleep okay?" He whispers gently and takes his jacket off, wrapping it around her.

Jin-Joo nods and cuddles into Jungkook, and before long, she was actually asleep.

Jungkook stayed awake in case Taehyung woke up and three hours later, he did.

Taehyung groans and opens his eyes a little, before closing them again. He sighed and after a few moments, opened them again. Where the hell was he?

And then he remembered. Oh yeahhh..

He could feel the eyes burning into his skull and knew exactly who it was.

"Jungk-" he started.

"No..Don't even start. It's fine." Jungkook mumbles and continues to stare at him.

Taehyung slowly turns his head in surprise.

"But I w-"

"Nope. Just fine." He whispers, and moves a little. He had moved Jin-Joo over to the other chair in the room.

"Jungkook, come here." He mumbles, noticing the way Jungkook's eyes were starting to shine, which was a hint that he was about to cry.

Jungkook slowly stands and moves over to Taehyung, his bottom lip trembling.

Taehyung sits up a little more and hugs Jungkook tightly, dragging him down next to him.

"I'm sorry Kookie.." he whispered before he heard Jungkook start to cry, and then he felt completely worse.

"No don't cry Kookie, it's okay." He says gently, and rubs the others back gently. "I'm okay..see..I'm just fine.." He whispers.

Jungkook sniffles and shakes his head. "B-But I didn't know that..!" He holds Taehyung close to him. "Getting a call from your partner saying you were in the hospital a-and then not getting an explanation why is..Taehyung I had no idea what happened to you and I thought m-maybe.." he pauses and tears started to stream down his cheeks again.

"I'm sorry Kookie..I'm so so sorry..But I'm okay right? Everything is okay.." he whispers and pulls him closer.

After a while, Jungkook was finally calm and He was curled up by Taehyung's side.

He was still awake, yet fighting sleep as he plays with Taehyung's hand.

"You should sleep baby.." Taehyung whispered, getting a bit worried since the younger hadn't slept at all.

"B-But I wanna watch over you.." He mumbles, his eyes red from lack of sleep and crying so much.

Taehyung frowned. "I'll be okay Kookie, I won't leave. I'll stay right here." He says and kisses Jungkook's forehead gently.

Jungkook then stuck out his pinky and yawns softly. "P-Promise?" He whispers.

"I promise that I promise." He whispers and takes his pinkie with his.

Jungkook smiles faintly and slowly closes his eyes as he stays close to Taehyung's side, quickly as to almost immediately falling asleep.

As Taehyung laid there, he noticed movement and glances over, seeing Jin-Joo staring right back at him.

"Daddy!" She yells and Taehyung chuckles lightly.

"Shh Jinnie..Daddy is sleeping." He whispers and then pauses. "Come here And bring daddy's jacket with you.."

As Jin-Joo carefully slid from the chair, she ran quickly over to Taehyung, climbing on the bed with the both of them.

She handed Taehyung the jacket, and then hugged him. "Missed chu daddy.." she whispers and cuddles into his other side.

As Taehyung then put the jacket over Jungkook he smiled.

"I missed you too cute one." He said softly, kissing all over his face gently.

"Love chu!" She giggles and she tries pushing him away.

"I love chu and Daddy, Bunny." He whispers and laughs.

When Taehyung was released from the hospital, he was told not to move.

And trust me, if he even dared to move, Jungkook would have his ass beat.

And Jungkook would even let Jin-Joo yell at her dad for moving, but just this once.

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