🌹Part 7🌹

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Cuphead's POV

The chain sounds was really near now. It sounds like groaning. The shadow reveals. It was shape like a little guy with some kind of chains at its hands. And a ripped tip of its tail.

I closed my eyes and start to think this is just a dream even I know it wasn't a dream. The chain stops. Its so quiet for a while. I don't know what's happening but I decided slowly open my eyes but it shot open when I saw a demon that have a wheel thing at his neck that look like it was connect at its neck and a Chains at his hands and feet and his eyes were perfectly black and some black liquid dripping at its eye. And a two ripped at his tails tip. It seems looking at me and it was holding at the wall. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS CREATURE?!

I start to scream for help and struggles. The creature slowly coming near me. "No no no! Please! S-stay away from me!!!" I yelled at it but it still walking near. I keep struggling but nothing happened. I got tired and panting from struggle. I down and start to shake. Tears formed at my eyes.

The demon's hand grab my chin and lifted it up. I can't stared so long at this demon. He looks really scary. I closed my eyes. Afraid what will happen next. It was staring at me I know it. But I open it again since theres no use.

His another hand slowly moved and going near to my face. I start to get shake more. Someone! Fucking help me!

My eyes wide open when its hand wipe something at the side of my eyes. I know I'm crying. I know it.
Is dead wiped my tears. "Please... Don't... Be scared at me... I... Won't... Hurt.. You... " It talked... It just literally talked. But it seems Its hard to speak seems there's some black liquid caming out at its mouth. My eyes just looking at it. Still shaking. And I got silent that I felt that I become mute.

It slowly grab the chain that was tied up to my Hands and it breaks it. I fall down at the Ground. Make some thud. He sit infront of me. Still looking at me.

"Wh... What are you?" I asked in fear. "I... Am like you... A person too.... But... Now... Undead... " It spoked and the demon looked down. "So your a person like me... Uhmm.. " I think and take a deep breath just to get calm a little. "Your not gonna kill me? Or eat me? Or.. Stuffs... " I asked. He Shake his head to no. "Really?" I look really surprised. He noded then look up to see me.

"So... What's your name?" "Ben...dy.."
Bendy. That's his name. I look at its tail. It was swaying behind of him. "Bendy huh? That's a cool name" I smiled a little. I held my hand infront of it and gives him a soft smile. "My name is Cuphead" He look at me and look at my hand. He slowly hold my hand.

We got a little and hard conversation. Its Hard because Bendy can't speak well. I look around and saw some kind of handker chief. I grab it and dust it off. "Come here" He tilt his head but crawl and stops infront of me. I grab his chin and start to wipe the black substance at its mouth and eyes.

The heck. He look really cute when his face is clean. But the substance rolls down again. Darn. I guess I really need to wipe it clearly. While I'm wiping his face I start to ask him.
"Bendy, I just wanna ask something. Do you know the person that was with you here?" I stop wiping his face. He was looking at me. He noded slowly.
"Can you tell me who is this person?" He shake his head to no. "Why?" He just shrugged.

I sigh. "Fine" I look around. "I know your confuse why I didn't killing you yet" I blinked twice and start to get nervous. "I still can control myself when I'm not hungry. But if I am. I can definitely already eat you" He look at his own hands.

I look at the walls again and saw some dusty picture. I get up and Grab it. I dusted it off by blowing the dust away. I start to look at the frame. I look at Bendy and then back to the frame. I flipped the frame infront to Bendy. Showing the picture. "Is this you Bendy?" I asked while showing him the Picture and pointing it. He noded.

"You look cute here" I smile. He seems shocked and looked away. What have I done. I cover my mouth, realizing what I just said "I Uhm, sorry" I said and rub my head.

"Its alright. Its been many years I haven't talked with someone. Without getting scared" he look back to me. "You mean, Theres some people going in at this Place?" He noded. "There's some people coming in here. They think no ones living at this mansion. I really want to talk with them. So I approached them. But when they finally saw me. They run away, I can't just let them escape. And those times I'm hungry. So I got them and eat them alive" I just being mute again. Kinda backed away a bit after I heard what happened. He look at me and shake his hands infornt of him. "I-its okay! I won't eat you. I'm not hungry. I just ate earlier" I take a deep breath and crawl back to him.

"So Uhm, what happened to you?" He start to be quiet. "Bendy?" I tilt my head. He just being quiet and a liquid start to roll again at his cheek. Damn.
I suddenly felt some familiar pain. I start to breath heavily. "Not this time... " My sight turn blurry. I hold my head and my stomach. I fall at the ground and start to cough. "Ah!! F-fuck!" I scream in pain. I then got black out.

. . . . .

Boris's POV

"Boris, did you heard that?" Mugman tugging my shirt. I noded. "Yeah, it was like screaming" "That's my bro! No no no! We better find him!" I noded and start to walk but Mugman grab my hand and runs very quick. "Slowdown Mugs! The floors are not---"


The wooden floor from under us broken and both of us Mugman fall at the hole while screaming. I accidentally let go the lamp. "SHIT!"
I tried to reach Mugman's Hand but...


. . . . .

I slowly open my eyes and crawls. Trying to reach Mugman. But I think I hit some kind of rock when we hit the ground or water. My vision turns blurry. Mugman got passed out. "Mug...man..." I tried to hold him but i ended up fainting.

. . . .

I open my eyes and feel I got pulled by the shirt and going far to Mugman. I closed my eyes again. I was so dizzy.

. . . .

"Don't worry my child, everything will be Alright~"

. . . .

To be continue

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