🌹Part 2🌹

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Boris POV

I woke up once again. I hold my head. I felt I'm having an headache but I rest my head at my hand a second before I get up from the bed.

Gosh... I felt bad on what I did yesterday.  I feel I'm a bad person for Mugman. But I shouldn't think about this right now.  I need to go to school... 
I Sigh and goes out at my room. 

Time skip (brought you by the great lazy author)

I was walking around the hallway.  Definitely Im just double checking and thinking the photo was still around before the school bells.  But sadly I still didn't find it.  I sigh and goes in at our room.  The cupbros are already there.  Talking.  Then Mugman look at me but I look away then continue walking through my chair. 

I sit there and sigh.  Resting my head at the table while mumbling on something.  Then I felt a poke from behind.  I raised my head again and look behind. 

Mugman is the one who was poking.  He was smiling at me.  I just keep silent and looking at him.  Rasing my one eyebrow. 

"Hey Boris.  I'm sorry about yesterday....  I'm just get worried to you" he said.  I sigh and look back infront.  "Its okay" I said.  "You forgive me? " he asked. I just keep quiet.  I was about to answer but the school bell rings and the teacher came in.


*Time skip*

Lunch time

I was walking to the canteen to grab some food.  While walking I saw some jocks.  Talking and laughing at the same time.  Telling some jokes and stuff.  I roll my eyes and keep walking.

"Hey Buddy" I know they were calling me when I already passed by them.  I keep walking.  Ignoring the stupid Jocks.  "Hey! Why are you ignoring us? " The Jock grab my shirt collar from behind.  I kinda got choke a little. 

I turn my head to him.  He was look serious at all and a bit worried.   "Don't cha wanna see us?" he said still holding me.  I sigh and make his hand let go to my uniform.  "Geez,  I'm sorry" I start to apologized at him.  "Something wrong Bud? You seem look stressed at all" He said and pats my head. 

"Nothing....  Just lost something" I said.  And removes his hand at my head.  Making him stop petting my head.  "Oh  we can help you find it" He said,  smiling and trying to comfort me. I sigh and shakes head to no.  "Nah,  its fine. I'll find it on my own" I said and was about to walk away but I heard someperson called my name. 

Shoot.  Its Mugman again.  "Hey Boris! I just wanna--" he was rushing to me when he got bumped hard at the jock who I'm talking with.  The jock look at him and grab him by the collar at his uniform. And groans. "Listen punk,  you still new but your encounting us that fast?" he chuckled evily and Keep lifting him Up by the collar.  I don't know what I'm gonna do. I felt I'm frozed...

"I-im sorry sir...  I didn't mean to bumped at you" Mugman said while shaking in fear.  Being afraid to get hurt  him.  "Heh,  apologize is not enough for me" He said and raised his fist.  Ready to strike it at Mugman. 

I groan.  I can't just watch here like a stupid.  I need to stop them.  I tighten my fist and start to yell.  "STOP!" I said and the jock stops and start to look at me same to the others except Mugman who seems still scared. "Let. Him. Go. " I said while groaning in anger.  Giving him a Sharp cold glare through his eyes.  "You know him?" The jock guy asked.  I sigh and noded but still angry.

The Jock quickly drops Mugman. "O-oh...  I'm sorry... " He said and rubs his head awkwardly.  I sigh. Calming a bit.  "Leave now... " I said and the jocks noded and start to walk away.  Leaving Mugman sitting there. He seems still scared cause his still shaking. But I think he start to get calm. 

I start to walk away. Leaving him there. 

"B-boris!  Wait!" I stopped.  "T-thank you for saving me... " He said. I continue walking.  "W-wait!" he yelled again.  I stopped and look at him.  "What now?" I asked.  "Uhm.. I also want to give you this" He said.  Giving some kinda of Paper. 

Wait.  That's not a paper. That's the photo I lost!  I quickly grab it and holds it close to me.  I look at him with a surprised look. "The photo...  How did you have it?"  I said.  Looking at him.  "Well,  about yesterday.  when you run away.  You dropped that. So I decided to picked it up" he said,  explaining what happened.  "And then when the school ends. I waited you outside with my brother so I can give you back that Photo but....  You seems just ignored me that time,  and then earlier I wanna give that to you but the class just starts.  And now...  Here... " He added.

I felt bad on what I did.  I just ignored him and don't let him explain and give this photo back to me. I fet I'm a bad person... 

I understand everything now... 

"Boris?  Are you okay?" He asked.  I felt some cold liquid rolling down to my cheek.  I realized I'm crying.  "heh...  Its look like that Photo is very important to you" He said and pat my head.  I let him. 

After that I quickly rushes to him and hugs him tight.  "I'm so sorry!" I said.  Start sobbing behind him. He gently rub my back and hugs back.  "Hey...  No need to be sorry Boris...  I understand why your acting like that infront of me... " He said and keep hugging. " I'm so rude to you.  Ignoring you cause I want to be alone...  I hurt you at the first place.. " I said while crying.  He hush at me.  "Its okay Boris...  I understand" he said.

After that.  I kinda calm a little again and look at him.  "So are we friends now?" He asked while smiling.  I smile and noded.  Saying yes.  He smile and hugs me. I hug back.  Wagging my tail happily.  

I feel happy again.  I feel happy having a friend like him I feel I'm not alone anymore... I don't know it feels good to have a friend

. . . . 


That bell rings.  We both Mugman rushes through our room and quickly sits at our chairs. After that.  The teacher comes in again and start to write.  I don't feel hungry anymore. 

Great timing. 


"class dismiss" The teacher said and walks out at the room.  I keep my stuff inside my bag and start to go out. "Boris!!!" Mugman calls me and I look behind.  He rushes to me and his brother was following.  "Hey Mugman"  "Wanna go walk together?" he asked happily.  I smile and noded.  "sure"

I look at his brother.  His brother seems look really confused.  I chucked.  "The names Boris" I said.  "I know.  Mugman told me" He said and smiles.  I smile back and we three start to walk out from our room. 

While were going home.  We were chatting some stuff and knowing each other.  Then after that we start to separate.  I go to another direction and same to them I wave to them. Saying goodbye.  They wave back then continue walking.  Same I did. 

I finally reached our home and star to goes in.  I go straight to the kitchen and Dad was already eating.  I smile and sits to another sit.  And I start to eat and chat some stuff with him. He looks happy about what happened. 

After eating.  I go straight to my room and change my clothes to Pajamas.  I hop to my bed and pull out the photo.  I smile while looking at it.  Then I put it on my desk and fall asleep. 


Hi there coffemates!  So Heres the part 2 °v°

I'm lazy to back read some stuff so I decided just to publish this instead checking... 

Okay bye!


🌹Amnesia🌹Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz