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When we arrived back to the building Mr. Mahone was sitting in the waiting area tapping his foot in an impatient manner.

I immediately felt bad but when I caught a glimpse of Mr. Styles, he had the faintest smirk spreading across his lips and I cannot lie and say it wasn't sexy.

Whoa, where did that come from?

I mean, I cannot lie to myself and say that Mr. Styles is not the most attractive man I've ever seen but I took him as being only my boss very seriously.

No matter how good looking he was.

Why am I just now starting to feel tingly at the slightest things he does?

Maybe it's how he's been with his little girl recently...

Either way, I should not be having these kinds of thoughts running through my mind.

The email he sent shocked my entire body.

His compliment on my eyes made me feel hot in the cheeks and somewhere more intimate.

How he snapped towards the horrible girl at Olive Garden sent delicious shivers down my spine as if his fingers brushed down on me.

The smirk he just did made me want to bite my lip.

I shook those thoughts away from my head as he faced me and stared in my eyes before speaking up.

"Please see that Mr. Mahone makes it up to my office. Don't leave him alone in there, okay? I must meet Camila outside to grab Serenity"

"Of course"

With that he smiled only briefly before heading back out of the building.

I turned back to see Mr. Mahone standing up and heading off to the elevators in a frustrated manner.

Noah looked at him then at me before holding back a small laugh which made me shake my head at him before yelling after the frustrated man.

"Mr. Mahone!"

He turned to the sound of my voice and his smile grew fairly big at the sight of me.

"Ah, Emerald Summers. Lovely seeing you again"

"I'm am so sorry for the wait. Please, let me escort you up to Mr. Styles' office"

"I appreciate this. Thank you Emerald"

I couldn't help but smile at this charming young man, his smile was contagious.

We reached our floor and I led him to Mr. Styles' office and waited with him.

Although he makes me smile I feel like I have to keep a close eye on him, like Mr. Styles asked me to.

I can't help but feel that Mr. Mahone has it out for Mr. Styles and I don't need any drama between the two to add onto the work I already have.

I heard the elevator open and little Serenity's laughter filled the floor.

I smiled when I saw her jogging in only to stop as she saw Mr. Mahone and stared at him with a blank expression.

For Serenity to make a blank expression is basically like any other kid crying, not good.

I guess I was smart to stay in here with Mr. Mahone just as Mr. Styles instructed me to.

He walked in with his usual serious expression but when he looked over at me he winked and nodded with the faintest smile.

"Would you like me to take Serenity for some snacks while you're in your meeting sir?"

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