1. You Leave on Monday

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"Violet! Can you come over here for a minute?" I sighed at the sound of my brother's voice.

"Yeah, one sec." I paused, circling a couple of areas on the concert stadium blueprints I was looking over. I stood up and trudged over to my older brother.

"What's up, Travis?" I asked, leaning against the wall. Not only was he my brother, he was also my boss. At only 29 years old, Travis owned one of the biggest security companies in L.A. He moved out of our small town in Tennessee all the way to California when he was eighteen, where he worked part time as security for a concert venue while going to college. Once he graduated, he opened his own company, hiring out trained security staff throughout different events and venues in Los Angeles. After I graduated high school, I decided to skip the college experience and followed him out here for a job.

"Do you have this place mapped out yet? Maroon 5 is playing here in just a couple of days and I want to make sure we have every area covered ahead of time." He asked, gesturing to the stadium we were currently standing in.

"Yeah, most of it's already done. I just have to go over a few more places." I smiled, crossing my arms. Planning out concerts was my favorite job because I typically got to hang out during the show, since most of my job was finished by then.

"Good. There's something else I wanted to talk to you about. You know how that band, 5 Seconds of Summer, wanted their own security team for their U.S. tour?" He asked.

"Yep" I mumbled, watching some of my coworkers wandering around the area, pointing at different exits.

"And you know I've put the team together already and they leave next week?"

"I know, Travis. What's your point?"

"Well, Thomas just backed out. His mom's pretty sick right now and he doesn't want to leave her on her own for that long." He stated, his southern drawl coming out. That was one thing I loved about Travis, he definitely brought his family values into his company.

"That sucks. I hope she's okay. I'm guessing you're taking over for him then?" I asked, pushing my wavy blond hair behind my shoulder.

"Actually...I've been thinking about it...and if you're interested, I gue-"

My eyes went wide and I cut him off immediately, "Hell yeah! Are you serious?!"

"Hey, hold up!" He laughed, throwing his hands up. "I'm willing to let you go but there are stipulations. You know how I feel about you going out of state without me, much less on an entire tour. I've already talked to the other guys, they're going to keep an eye on you--"

"Travis!" I huffed, rolling my eyes, "I'm 24 years old! I'm not a child. I've been working for you for years, I'm sure it'll be fine. Like you said, the other guys will be there. It's not like I'm going alone."

"I know, but you're still my little sister and Mom and Dad would kill me if something happened to you. You know how they feel about us living in L.A. as it is. Just do me a favor and be careful. Check in with me every night-"

"Every night?" I laughed. "You can't be serious."

He gave me a stern look and I tried to hide my smile. "Fine, every couple of days. It doesn't even have to be a phone call, just a text telling me you're still alive would suffice."

"How about once a week?"

"How about I leave you here and go myself?"

"Okay, okay. Every couple of days." I waved him off and squealed, jumping up and down. "This is SO cool!"

He smirked and rolled his eyes at me. "Don't do anything stupid. And get your stuff together. You leave on Monday. Now go on back to work."

I shot him a cheesy grin and started walking away before running back and enveloping him in a bone crushing hug. "Thanks, bro"

He laughed before patting me on the back. "No problem, sis."

A little short, but this is just an introduction into Violet's life. xo

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