25. Regrets

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Another week had passed and I hadn't spoken to anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. I, of course, saw Ethan every day but I refused to leave our apartment unless it was for work or something absolutely necessary. Charlie cleared up the rumors going around, explaining that we were just good friends, and it seemed that the media caught on to the fact that Ashton and I were no longer together. I made the decision to deactivate all of my social media and I didn't answer any calls or texts unless they were from Ethan or work related. Ashton never contacted me and it took everything in me not to contact him. I couldn't help but wonder constantly what he thought when the story about me and Charlie came out, even though Charlie denied anything happening between us.

Ashton was due to leave today for the European leg of the tour, and I was currently slumped over on the couch watching TV, a bottle of liquor in one hand and the remote in the other. Ethan was over at Hailey's apartment since it was a Saturday night, and I didn't expect him home until sometime tomorrow. I planned to spend the night drowning my sorrows in alcohol and eating junk food while binge watching a random TV series on Netflix.I was three episodes in to the first season of 'Dexter' when there was a soft knock on the door. The only other person that could get in to our building without calling up to us was Travis, but he usually let me know in advance if he was coming by. I anxiously crept to the door and jumped when a voice on the other side spoke up.

"Violet, open up. It's just me." It was muffled, but I recognized the voice immediately.Still holding the bottle of liquor in one hand, I reached up with the other, unlocking the deadbolt and pulling the door open.

"Charlie." I sighed. "What are you doing here?"

He stepped through as I motioned for him to come in.

 "You weren't answering any of my messages, I got worried."

"How did you get in the building?" I asked curiously.

"Someone was leaving as I showed up." He smirked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I shrugged. "Come sit."

He followed me to the couch, sitting down on the opposite end and watched me as I sat the bottle on the end table. "You know, drinking alone is a sign of being an alcoholic."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not an alcoholic."

"I know." He smiled sadly at me. "I'm guessing it's because Ashton left today."

I shrugged my shoulders again. "Maybe I just felt like drinking alone."

Charlie chuckled. "Where's Ethan?"

"With his girlfriend."

"He has a girlfriend?" He asked.

"It's new." I nodded. "So are people still pressing you about us?"

"Not as much since I told everyone that we're just friends." He explained.

"Hopefully no one spotted you coming in here." I replied.

"I don't think anyone knows your building. Plus, as long as we aren't walking outside together in the morning we should be okay." He joked.I smiled softly at him before taking a swig out of the bottle.

"How much have you had to drink?" Charlie asked.

"Not much." I said nonchalantly.

"Was that full when you started?" He asked, pointing at the more-than-half-empty bottle.

I nodded. "I'm fine though. I've been drinking slow."

He chuckled. "Feel like sharing?"

I handed him the bottle and he took a swig of it, swallowing before taking another.

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