4. Bottoms Up!

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"Are you coming out or not?" Ethan asked impatiently, standing outside the bathroom door of our hotel room. "Just let me see!"

I opened the door slowly and stepped out in front of him, refusing to make eye contact."Holy sh!t!" He gawked, eyeing me up and down. "I can't believe you even have a dress like that!"

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a sleeveless black mini dress with lace up top, covering my chest. The skirt flowed freely as I ran my hands over it, smoothing it out. I had strappy black heels on to match. "I can't do this. I feel so uncomfortable."

"You obviously bought the dress for a reason, you knew we would be going out at some point. Come on, you look great!" Ethan smiled.

He was wearing a grey button down shirt with black jeans and biker boots."You look nice." I said, avoiding his comment. "I just feel so exposed!" I rubbed my arms, looking into the mirror again.Ethan came up behind me, looking at my reflection in the mirror. He put his hands on my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.

"You'll be fine, I promise. I'll make sure to cover you if there's any wardrobe malfunctions." He laughed. "Besides, we'll get a couple of drinks in you and you won't even be worried about it anymore!"

"Ethan!" I laughed.

"What? You gotta live a little, Vi! Your brother isn't here to watch your every move anymore, remember? Loosen up! Besides, you can't let this dress go to waste. You know you look damn good." He smirked.

I hesitated, a smile growing on my face. "Alright, let's go before I change my mind."

We walked down to the lobby and found everyone else talking casually, waiting for us. Ethan yelled a "What's up?" as we approached them and I waved, trailing behind him.

"You guys ready? We have a limo out the side door that the hotel arranged for us." Luke smiled, gesturing to a hallway.We all followed him, Luke taking his girlfriend by the hand. Michael followed along with his girlfriend, and Calum struck up a conversation with Ethan. While I trailed along behind everyone, Ashton slowed his pace to walk beside me.

"You look really good." He smiled, eyeing me up and down quickly.

"Thanks, you do too.""So, I take it you don't do this very often?" He asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his black slacks.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at him."Well, Ethan said something earlier today that made me think you don't go clubbing much. Also, you look hella nervous." He laughed.

I blushed, laughing lightly with him. "Not so much. I was kind of a goody goody growing up. I didn't get out much. I don't really dress like this very often either." I made a face, gesturing to my ensemble.

"Well, you should dress like that more often..." He smirked. "It looks great on you. And don't worry, we'll have fun tonight, I promise."I smiled and mumbled a "Thank you" as we reached the limousine and Ashton motioned for me to step in first.

After a short drive, we pulled up to the club he was talking about. We approached a door off to the side where security was waiting to let us in.

"Perks of being a rockstar." I whispered to Ethan.

I could hear the music thumping through the walls as we started to file in through the door. As soon as we entered, "Into You" by Ariana Grande was blaring through every speaker in the building.I walked closer to Ethan as we made our way through the sea of people, following one of the staff to a table in the VIP area.Luke slid into one side of the circular booth followed by Sierra, Crystal and Mike on one end. Calum slid into the other side with Ethan behind him, then me followed by Ashton at the other end. A waitress quickly came over to take our order and Ashton ordered a round of shots. My eyes shot over to Ethan and he smiled, patting me on the knee.

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