10. You Can't Mix Business with Pleasure

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It's been three weeks since Ashton and I decided to start dating and things have been going well. There hasn't really been any drama. We've mostly kept it under wraps to avoid any publicity, going out with the guys or avoiding PDA while out. Eventually fans grew accustomed to seeing me and Ethan's faces in pictures with the guys, quickly finding out we were part of the crew. That made it much easier to hide Ashton and I's relationship. We've been super busy of course, wrapping up month number 2 on the road which means we only have one month left before 5 Seconds of Summer's U.S. tour is over. While I'm excited to go back home and have a break from the constant traveling, I'm slightly nervous to know what life will be like for me and Ashton once we're back in L.A. We haven't discussed it too much. We've had the opportunity to spend more time together on this tour, and I know that's going to change when we return home. My feelings for Ashton only continue to grow stronger as I learn more about him, and the thought of him eventually leaving again for another tour, without me, makes me nervous.

"Hey, beautiful." I was pulled from my thoughts by that all-too-familiar Australian accent.

I was sitting on the edge of the stage, a clipboard full of paperwork in hand, with my legs dangling off the edge. He sat down beside me, mimicking my position."Hey, you." I smiled, as he leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. "What are you up to?"

"Just scoping the place out, we have a sound check in a little while. You busy?" He asked, glancing down at my paperwork.

"Just finishing some stuff up. I have a meeting with the crew in a few minutes." I replied.

"Oh, so you have some time." He smirked, taking the clipboard from me and setting it down beside him. He moved closer to me, one arm propped behind him, holding his weight, the other reaching around the front of me to grab my waist.

I smiled as he leaned in and turned my head away from him. "Ash, someone could see us."

"There's no one in here, Vi. Come on." He groaned, glancing around the empty venue.

I shook my head playfully and turned back to him, giving in to what he wanted. He gave me a short, sweet kiss, before pulling away with a grin, then leaning back in for more. Every time I kissed Ashton all the fears I had about our future went completely out the window, my brain turning to mush.


My head snapped back in horror, turning my attention to the direction this familiar voice was coming from.

"Travis...Hi." I squeaked, my voice shaking as I spoke.

Ashton's eyebrows shot up at the mention of my brother's name, silently piecing together what was happening. Over the course of the time we've spent together, I told him all about Travis and how overbearing and protective he could be.

"We need to talk. Alone." Travis replied. Although he looked relatively calm, I could tell he was fuming.

"I'll catch up with you later." I said quietly to Ashton, before jumping down from the stage and following my brother out the door without another word.Once we stepped out into the sunshine, Travis whirled around to look at me, his face red with anger.

"Are you kidding me, Violet?!" He shouted. "I told you, I TOLD YOU not to do anything stupid. That you HAVE to be responsible on this tour and be PROFESSIONAL. The second I show up to check in on you, you're screwing around with the band!"

I was shocked. "Excuse me? I'm not screwing around with anyone! Travis--"

"How many of them have you slept with?" He sighed, rubbing his temples with his hands. "I can't believe I have to fix this because of my own sister."

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