3. Groupie

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I woke up to the incessant noise of my alarm going off. Groaning, I rolled over and turned it off. "Ethan, get up." I sat up and rubbed my eyes before stumbling out of bed.

"Ugh" He groaned, pulling a pillow over his face. I heard a few muffled words that sounded like "Five more minutes" as I grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and went into the bathroom, shutting the door. I slipped on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with some black slip on Vans and a black tank top that had the Guns N Roses logo on it. Best part of the job was wearing basically whatever I wanted, since I worked behind the scenes. I quickly applied my makeup and let my blond waves fall naturally over my shoulders. After spraying on some perfume, I opened the door to see Ethan standing there half awake, his black hair sticking up in different places.

"I need to pee" He muttered, running a hand over his face. I glanced down to his bare chest, bringing my eyes up quickly to meet his. He smirked. "Like what you see, Vi?"

I laughed awkwardly, a blush creeping up my neck onto my cheeks, before moving out of the doorway so he could get by. "Hurry up, you've got half an hour to get ready."


"Vi, where do you want those of us positioned up by the stage?" Ethan asked, waving me over to where he was talking with Rob and our other crew member, Joe. There was only a few hours left until the first concert of the tour and there were crew members everywhere throughout the arena, setting up in preparation.

"One at each end by the stairs, and spread everyone else out between them." I replied, walking over to the stage. Rob and Joe wandered off to scope out the exits and entrances while I continued talking to Ethan. We stopped talking when we heard laughter and the four members of 5 Seconds of Summer came walking out onto the stage, getting ready for a sound check.

Ethan and I turned around to look up at the stage and the four boys stopped laughing and looked in our direction. "Hey! I know you from the hallway!" The one named Michael pointed out, walking over and squatting down at the end of the stage. "Didn't know you guys were part of the crew."

"We work with the security crew. I'm Ethan, this is Violet." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Michael. This is Ashton, Calum and Luke." He replied, gesturing at the approaching boys. "Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you a little...small...to be a security guard?" Michael asked, eyeing me with a smirk on his face.

I laughed, looking down at my shoes. I looked back up at him, "Are you trying to say you think I can't do the job because I'm a girl?"

"Of course not! I- I just meant-" He stuttered.

"I'm messing with you." I laughed. "I'm more behind the scenes. I go over the blueprints and plan out where the team is placed. I won't actually be protecting you, so you can relax."

"That's impressive. How'd you end up doing a job like that?" Calum asked, sitting down at the edge of the stage. The rest of the guys followed suit.

"I- um-" I stuttered, glancing over at Ethan who was smirking at me. He knew how uncomfortable I was being in the spotlight, especially around good looking guys. "My brother owns the company, I moved out to LA to work with him."

"That's cool." Luke smiled.

"Hey, Vi" Ethan interrupted, gently grabbing my arm. "I'll be right back, I've gotta make a phone call." He smiled, before walking away.

"Oh, um...okay." I replied, looking after him. I swear I heard him snickering on the way out.

"So where are you from? Your accent is different." Ashton asked, jumping down from the stage to stand in front of me.

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