13. "You're trying to protect yourself."

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Considering how intoxicated Ashton was, it didn't take him long to fall asleep. I crept out of his room into the main area of his suite and sat down on one of the chairs, waiting for the guys to get back. It only took them about ten minutes to return. They came in quietly, Luke walking to Ashton's room to check on him as the rest of the guys took a seat on the couch.

"Sorry he bothered you. We'll try to make sure he doesn't do it again." Calum said softly.

"He told us he was going to stay in tonight and get some sleep." Michael shrugged.

"It's really okay, guys. It's not that I don't want to see him, it's just...complicated. I wasn't expecting to see him like this though." I replied.

"So he just showed up at your door?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. He was really out of it. He had way to much to drink. I've never seen him like that." I said. "Maybe this isn't any of my business anymore but is he...okay?"

Michael and Calum exchanged looks. "He's been going through a rough time lately." Calum responded.

"Is it...it's not because of me, right?" I asked cautiously.

"It's not you." Luke chimed in, taking a seat in the chair opposite of me. "Not entirely, at least. He's still asleep, by the way."

I nodded in response."When he gets overwhelmed emotionally, it takes him a while to process his feelings. Sometimes he'll make rash decisions like he did tonight." Mike explained.

"So...it is my fault." I said, my eyes dropping to the carpet under my feet, guilt washing over me.

"We were happy that you guys were seeing each other. I think you're good for him. He needs a girl like you." Luke smiled sadly. "I understand why you broke it off though. Ashton can be a lot to handle."

"It's not that." I shook my head. "Did he tell you what we were arguing about...exactly?"

The three guys exchanged awkward looks, each one waiting for the other to speak up."It's not a big secret." I rolled my eyes. "How much did he tell you?"

"Um..well...we know you're a virgin--" Luke started.

"Shocker!" Calum snickered, Mike slapping him over the head.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not that hard to figure out. Did he also tell you he didn't think he could deal with that?" I asked.

"He did. Honestly, I think he was more upset that you gave up so quickly. He said he tried to talk to you about it later, but you didn't want to see him." Luke said awkwardly.

"Like I told him, I know how it ends. Most guys aren't willing to wait forever, and I get that, but it's not worth the time and heartbreak when you know they're going to get bored of waiting." I replied. "Especially when there's so many girls out there that will give him what he wants."

"Sounds like you're a little scared to put yourself out there." Calum shrugged.

I sat there in silence, staring at Calum. I didn't want to respond. I certainly didn't want to admit that he was right. "This isn't about me." I stated, changing the subject. "It's about Ashton. I don't want him to do something stupid."

"We'll talk to him." Luke assured me. "So are you really leaving?"

"I'm planning on it." I sighed. "I just think it would be for the best. Especially now. I don't think Ashton is going to want to see me every day."

"I think it's quite the opposite, actually." Michael smirked. "We don't want you to go. There's only a month left. You should just stay."

"I already told my brother--"

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