Person in the Shadows

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Your point of view~

After the day Mallory tried jumping off the cliff, we sent her home and she apologized to all of us. When Gon was holding her in his hands, she seemed like she fell in love with him and forgot about Killua but Gon isn't interested. She hoped we could talk again and become good friends. Killua and I like each other and he asked me out. Of course I couldn't say no. I haven't ever dated anyone so I don't know what it's like but now that Killua is my boyfriend, I kinda understand. We have only been dating for a few days.

I looked at Gon and he had a big smile on his face.

"What?" I asked as I grinned slightly.

"Nothing. I'm just glad you and Killua are dating." He said.

"Hmm? But usually a brother would do anything to keep his sister away from boys. Along with her dad." I said.

"But I'm not that kind of brother." Gon said. "Whenever Killua gets back, we should go out adventuring again."

"Sounds good to me."

"Guys!" Killua shouted as he ran into the room and closed the door behind him. He sounds like he ran the mile. He was heavily breathing and sweating.

"What is it Killua?" Gon asked.

Killua didn't answer right away. He walked over to the window and he put the blinds down. Then took a peek outside.

"Killua?" I said.

"I was being followed." He said.

"Huh?" I said.

"Who was following you?" Gon asked.

"I don't know, I tried to get rid of them but they wouldn't go away." Killua replied as he looked back at us.

"Who would follow you?" I asked.

Killua shook his head. "It's definitely someone that can fight. They can run too. I think it might be someone Gon and I ran into before."

"You think so?" Gon said.

"If they didn't know me, why would they follow a stranger? Or be on Whale Island?" Killua said. He looked at the blinds.

"Maybe if we talk in here for a while, our stalker will go away." Gon sighed.

Killua looked at Gon.

"We can still go to that fishing tournament Gon." Killua said. "We just should be on our guard. This could be someone strong. I didn't detect them at first but I felt like something was wrong. But I am right, we definitely have a stalker."

"Are you sure? Wouldn't it be dangerous to go out?" Gon asked.

"No, actually we should avoid being here." Killua said. "We should try to blend in with everyone here."

"I agree." I said.

And so Gon grabbed his fishing pole and we ran outside.

"Be safe kids." Mito-san said.

"Thanks Mito!" I said as we ran out the door.

Mito doesn't know that Killua and I are together. Only Gon and Killua of course.

As we were running, I could sense someone following us. Most likely someone with Ninja like skills. They're fast and not to easy to detect. I could've missed them but there is no mistake. Someone is following us.

"We made it just in time!" Gon said as he seen the fishermen preparing for the game.

"Woah! Gon! You're joining us?" A fisherman asked.

"Yeah!" Gon said. "It's to see who can catch the most fish right?"


Gon joined the group of fisherman and prepared.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I said.

"Hmm? Already? We just got here." Killua said.

"Y-Yeah I know but there is a restroom area over there so I'll be back." I lied.

"Do you want me to escort you there? Just in case of the stalker."

"I can handle them myself. If not, I'll scream." I smiled.

"Alright then. Be careful." Killua said.

Sorry Killua. I ran for the bathroom so Killua would think I would go there but I wanted to find the stalker. I jumped behind the trees and then I saw someone in a black cloak running. They had a hood over their head. I ran after them.

"Stop right there!" I shouted.

I caught up to them. And they ran out of shade to hide underneath.

Killua's point of view~

Gon walked over to me.

"Hmm? Where did Y/n go?" He asked.

"She went to the bathroom but now she's been in there for a while now. I wonder if she's okay." I said.

"What!? You let her go there by herself!?" Gon asked.

"I asked her if she wanted me to escort her but she said she could handle herself." Killua said. "I'm such an idiot!"

"Too late to realize that! She went after the stalker ya moron! We have to find her!" Gon was worried. I could tell by his expression. I am too but I think Y/n is strong. It's the opposite of the other day. I was worried sick but Gon stayed calm. I thought I was always right but Gon knows everything about her. How come, I always fail to protect her?

Gon dropped his fishing pole and ran past me under the trees to find Y/n. I followed him.

We looked for a while until we saw Y/n passed out. She was on the ground but then someone in a black cloak picked her up and started running with her in their arms.

"Hey-" I went to shout but Gon covered my mouth.

"Shh." Gon said

"What? You expect me to just watch her to be carried away like that?" I whispered.

"Don't worry Killua. We'll save her." Gon said.

"But she said she would scream-"

"What if she didn't have enough time too?" Gon whispered back.

"I-I didn't think about that." I said as I looked down at the ground. "W-Why do I always have to be wrong?" I asked.

"Huh?" Gon asked.

"I feel like, I'm always worrying over Y/n. Like I don't have any faith in her at all when I really do. B-But I was always the right one. But I can't stop worrying about her." I started crying.

Then Gon lifted up his hand and slapped me across the face. Again. "I thought I was the idiot but it looks like you're the bigger idiot. You have siblings and you care for them but have you actually worried for any of them? No. That's because they can handle themselves. Y/n has been a Hunter ever since she was nine. I do think she can handle herself but sometimes she doesn't think before she acts. Killua, you're way too worried and confident."

"Huh? Wh-What do you mean?" I asked.

"You love Y/n so you worry about her but when she gives you her word that she can protect herself, you go with it. Even if you feel like something is wrong, you still go with it. Now is not the time to worry about this, let's go save Y/n." Gon smiled.

How could he smile when his sister was taken away from him just like that. This person could be strong. Stronger than any of our enimies we have ever encountered. But still. He puts on a brave face and goes through it all.

Don't worry. I'll save you, Y/n.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!!!

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