Was She Kidnapped?!?

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Killua's Point of View~

"Gon! I think Y/n has been kidnapped!" I shouted as I entered Gon's room.

Gon was sitting on his bed reading a note.

"No, she's hanging out with friends." Gon smiled.


"She left me a note."

"Why would she leave a note when she can just tell us?!?"

"I think you were sleeping and I guess I was sleeping too. She didn't want to wake us up."

"Gon! She could of told Mito to tell us! But she left a note!"

"Hmm. You're right. Mito-san is always up early." Gon thought. "Let's go find her!"

Gon and i went downstairs.

"And where might you boys be off too?" Mito-san asked.

"We're just gonna go out for a walk." Gon said with a smile.

"Be back by lunch time." Mito smiled.

"Okay!" Gon said.

I was worried about Y/n and I didn't believe that she was with friends. I didn't know she even had any. Besides Kurapika, Leorio and me. Gon is her brother. So who is she with?

Gon stopped running for a minute.

"Oi! Gon! We gotta find her!" I said as I stopped too.

"What if she is with friends? She does have a job at a restaurant and maybe she's friends with one of her co-workers." Gon said.

"I don't believe it." I said. "You don't have to help me, I'll find her myself."

"Wait, why are you trying so hard?" Gon asked with a smirk.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you....like her?" Gon asked.

"W-What?" I felt my face heat up.

"You know like, do you like like Y/n?" Gon asked as he got closer to my face.

Then Gon started laughing.

"What is so funny?"

"You like Y/n but haven't even realised it!" Gon kept laughing.

"No- i just think she might be in trouble." I blushed. "What concerns me is that she said friends instead of names."

"Well what if we don't know them?" Gon smiled.

"Are you gonna help me find her or not?"

"You're not doing anything. Y/n is fine." Gon said. "You're not going anywhere."

"Huh? You're gonna try to stop me?" I asked.

"I'm not gonna try." Gon paused.

"Good because I'm still-"

"I'm not gonna try because I am gonna stop you." Gon said.

"Boys, why aren't you walking around?" Mito asked.

"We had second thoughts. Come on Killua." Gon said.

"I feel bad for her." I said.

"Huh?" Gon said.

"You don't even care about her!" I said.


"You don't even want to find her."

"Killua, i do care about her. You're just being overprotective. I'm letting her do her own thing. She has her own life, so let her live it." Gon said. "If you find her, im telling her that you like her."


Gon walked back inside the house.

Damn. He got me. I went back inside after Mito.

And waited. And waited. And waited. Until it finally reached midnight. She still hasn't returned.

"Gon! She still isn't back!" I said.

"I know, where is she?" Gon frowned.

"Maybe I was right. Maybe she was kidnapped." I said. "We need to find her."

"She's tough. I'm sure she can handle herself." Gon smiled.

"What the hell Gon!?" I shouted.

"Boys, Y/n went to a sleepover with her two other friends. Didn't she leave you a note?" Mito said as she popped her head in the door.

"Huh? A-A sleepover?" I said.

"Yes." Mito said.

"There was a back side Killua." Gon said picking up the note and turning it around.

"She'll be back tomorrow morning." Mito smiled.

And so we went to bed and I woke up with a smiling Y/n in my face.

"Ah! Y-Y/n!" I said as I sat up really fast and we bumped heads.

"Ow!" Y/n said as she held her head.

"W-Why were you in my face?" I asked with a slight blush on my face.

"Gon told me that you missed me yesterday and worried about me." She replied.

"Uh." I began blushing more.

"Aww, you're so cute whenever you're embarrassed." She replied with a smile and still holding her head.

"Shut up!" I said as I hid my face with my covers.

Then I heard Y/n and Gon laughing.

"Oi! It's not funny!" I said as I came back out from underneath my covers.

"Why were you so worried about me yesterday Killua?" She asked as she wiped a tear from her eye.

Then Gon started laughing more.

"Uh..." I paused as I blushed more. "No reason." I closed my eyes.

"You're a good friend Killua. I hope we're friends til the end." She said.

To be continued...

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