Scene 2 | Ferris Wheel

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry. I'm kinda in a rush." the woman quickly apologized.

"Oh, it's fine. Are you okay?" JK asked with worry.

"Yeah, I'm th- wait. I think I recognize you." The woman said unsurely as the man in front of her pretty much had his whole face covered.

Jungkook froze.

"Whaaat? R-really? I don't think we met before?" The boy stuttered out.

"No, I think I know your voice, but I'm not sure who it is..."

'Crap. I shouldn't have said anything.' Jungkook mentally facepalmed.

However, his mouth slightly dropped in horror as he realized the girl was wearing a Cooky headband.

'Oh no. She's wearing my BT21 character. Of course she's gonna find out who I am...' Jungkook now dying in desperation.

The girl kept thinking.

"Hmm... Can you take off your mask for a-"

The woman was suddenly interrupted by a muscular man who had the physique of a bodyguard.

He had a panicked look on his face.

"Sorry miss. My daughter ran away from me. She's wearing a pink character on her shirt just like your headband. Can you help me find her please?"

"Oh my goodness! We need to find her! Where do you think she went?"

"I think she went this way..."

The two began to move away from the BTS member, in search for a missing child.

Jungkook automatically gave a sigh of relief.

'Phew. That was close. I should probably help the man and find his child.' Jungkook worried.

'But the woman might find out who I am and I might cause a crowd to surround us... I would have just made it harder to find the man's child...' bitterly thought Jungkook.

The boy walked off with guilt, being unable to give his help.

'The man seemed familiar too. It feels like I've seen him a couple times before.' Jungkook thought.

However, a few distance away, the big man with the missing daughter continued with his act in finding a nonexistent child.

'I almost didn't make it in time. Now go Jungkook. Have some fun at the carnival.' the BTS bodyguard smiled to himself.


"Waaahh. Look Jennie! The lights are so beautiful!"

"Yeah... no kidding..."

The group walked into the entrance of the park and was met with an array of various colors in front of them.

'This would look great on the ferris wheel...'  Jennie envisioned the scene in her mind.

The area was bustling with people. The crowds were even more dense than before.

"Oh no. Theres a lot of people." Rose pointed out.

"I think we'll be fine. Our managers we'll be around us, just in case." Jisoo assured her.

The girls walked around, enjoying their time and experiencing the amusement park.

They took several pics with fans who realized Blackpink were there with them.

The four were now strolling through the game booths that were packed with people.

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